Hello Everyone,I am looking to replace the mattress in my ai...
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Hello Everyone,I am looking to replace the mattress in my airbnb i have had both positive and a not so good review from one ...
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We have a guest requesting a total of 10 pillows for their stay
2 adults only
We have one queen bed and a full sleep sofa
There's about 4 pillows in the condo
Would you buy extra pillows and pillow cases?
We are not making a huge profit so every expense matters.
But we also don't want to be "un-accomodating"
Have you confirmed where the guests are sleeping ie are they using both the sofa and the bed
in your situation I would have four pillows for the bed and four for the double sofa with two sets of pillow cases for each pillow .
what did they say when you asked why they needed ten pillows? Might be a sign of extra guests not on the booking
As others have said, 4 pillows maximum on each bed should be totally fine, and that would be suitable then for you to accommodate 2 people in the bed and 2 people on the sofa bed. So 8 pillows would be ideal in total if you offer a maximum capacity of 4 guests on one visit.
If it is only 2 guests who are coming for this visit then your existing 4 pillows should therefore be totally sufficient, even if they are planning to sleep separately.
It would probably worth asking them why they will need 10 pillows, and whether they will be wishing to use the sofa bed during their stay. This should flush out if they have booked for an incorrect number of people, if they have a good reason for needing such a large number of pillows, and also whether you will need to provide bedding for the sofa bed for this visit.
@Perry101 I would say each bed taking 2 people should have 4 pillows. I am not sure what a sleep sofa is but if it becomes a double be then a total of eight pillows could be expected.
10 is excessive but if you buy plain white pillow cases it is arguably just an expense you are bringing forward as they will be used at some time.
It is difficult because my first reaction was to try and get the guests to cancel as they are sounding like they will be high maintenance.....
@Perry101 IMO, this guest is bringing a few extra persons. Demanding a certain number of pillows is a red flag. Your pictures probably show the number of pillows available on your made-up bed, so you are not "un-accommodating" if you do not run to the store and buy more pillows.
If you are offering both the queen bed and the full sleep sofa for every booking, you need 8 pillows minimum. 4 on the queen bed, 4 in the closet with the sleep sofa sheets and duvet.
My setup is:
4 standard pillows for a Queen or Double bed,
2 standard pillows per Twin and
4 King pillows for a King bed.
All pillows are inside protective zippered covers and double cased (i.e., protective cover, plain white pillowcase and then the pillowcase that matches the sheets or duvet cover.)
I do not offer body pillows, pregnancy pillows, gel-filled pillows, buckwheat pillows, feather pillows, CPAP pillows, etc. Just quality down-alternative pillows from the big-box store.
@Perry101 you can get pillows in double packs fairly cheaply at chain stores or discount linen stores. Try for cotton outer and avoid feathers etcetera. Pillowcases in twin packs are usually available as well. Always go for pure cotton above other considerations . I think 8 pillows is very accommodating if they choose to sleep in different rooms ,unless they explain a little more, ignore it, but add pillows and possibly some cushions. Put the extra pillows in a cupboard unless they have specifically asked for the sofa bed to be made, otherwise leave linen available. No you do not have to rush around on a guests whim but take on board what they say .Tell them that the linen is as it is and if they need to ,feel free to bring a couple of pillows from home. I find it easier to keep track of linen if each bed has four pillows . Two hard ,two soft . They have distracted you from their real agenda ,which is to sleep in both beds ,even if they are a couple , which is okay ,but just check they are not planning on bringing extra people . Ask the question 'are you planning on bringing other people , as you have only booked for yourself and one other, as that does seem like more pillows than we generally use for two people?... H
I think everyone has the same thought Perry, extra people.
We make that many pillows available anyway - if guests are flying they don't bring their preferred pillows with them. Some folks sleep with a lot of pillows, most often because of an orthopedic issue. The two of us each use 4 pillows. I would not get too concerned and I'd get the pillows set up for them and the future. We have a limit of 2 guests, and keep a rack with the extras for guests to easily grab them, along with a variety of extra blankets and quilts.
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