
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

adding categories to photos

adding categories to photos



I wanted to know if it was possible to sort pictures into categories. Right now, my listing just has photos in one stream, but I have seen other listings where the photos are categorized, i.e. into "living room", "kitchen" photos in their own sections.


Here are a few examples of what I am talking about:



Thanks for the help.

9 Replies 9
Level 10
Lørslev, Denmark

Yes, if you go to your listing, the first tab "listing details", then scroll down to "rooms and spaces" you can add rooms, and then you can add images to the rooms. Makes sense? Its easiest on a PC, not in the mobile app. 

Level 2
Istria County, Croatia



I did all that and still didn't get categories in my gallery. I have searched everywhere and can't find a solution to this.

Level 4
Burbank, CA

I actually have mine listed by category but it looks awful! It forces certain rooms to be first that are not necessarily the ones you want to come up right away. Do you know how to get them back into the original photostream, not by category? Thanks!

Level 2
Istria County, Croatia

@Misty43  It would be nice to be able to control which rooms show first. As I can see,  it is always the living room, kitchen, bedrooms, and then the other rooms. It would be smart to make those first rooms extra appealing as you cannot control the order of rooms.


Regarding the removal of categorized photos. I would say to go to Listing details > Rooms and spaces, and then delete all photos of rooms/spaces. That way making categorized photos will be impossible in my opinion.


Hope this helps!


I am in complete agreement! I don't mind the categorized option,  just need control of how they are named, their order and the order of photos inside. 
Alright, I did try a few things. I first tried removing all the photos from the different rooms in the category to see what would happen. What it did is it changed all the photos to be called other, so one photo would be in a category called other one, other two, other three, and so on and so on. Next I just deleted all my different rooms so I took off everything the bedrooms the kitchen and the living room etc. this made it look like my listing didn't have any bedrooms or bathrooms and all photos were still thrown into an "other" group when clicked on. It's kind of perplexing because I have three listings, this odd arrangement is only happening on my two newer listings but my old listing even though I have categorized it and named it quite a while ago it hasn't done it to my photos so I have no idea what is going on. I guess it's just a bug that they are going to have to fix. I reached out to Airbnb support so I'll see if they come back with anything thanks for your response it was really helpful though!

HI Misty,

Any luck with this. I'm having the same issue. I can't arrange the photos within a category, and I can't get back to photos without categories. Just curious if you've found some sort of work around.



Hi Misty, did you have any luck resolving this? I am having the exact same issue. I am considering removing all photos from the listing and adding them back. If this doesn't work, I might edit my listing to remove all the "Rooms and Spaces" and then add them back. Pretty annoying! 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

My photos also display in categories, but I don't remember every choosing that. It just changed to that one day. Now I can't figure out how to add new photos to the categories. Any time I add a new photo, it just appears in the bottom category of extra photos, which is annoying, as sometimes the new ones are the most important.

Level 1
Aptos, CA

Yep, the photo system seems pretty messed up. Trying to add some living room photos, they're now in the category "additional photos", and I see no way to change that. That category isn't shown in "rooms and spaces", so photos can't be moved. Also, my bedrooms are suddenly listed backwards, master bedroom last. 😞