What hosts are saying

    Can anyone help I’ve tried to copy and paste the email address from a confirmed guest to send them an email as normal but now it is coming up with the email has been copied to your clipboard. Where do I find the clipboard or how do I get there email addre... Latest reply by Emiel1
    Madame, Monsieur, AirBnb vient de bloquer mes annonces pour justes motifs pour l'une d'elle. En effet, j'ai créée l'annonce d'une de mes amies (Madame MOCCO) qui est propriétaire de la "maison dans parc ombragé" qui a eu de très mauvaises notes en raison ... Latest reply by Quincy
    What happened to the 'Neighborhood Overview' and 'Getting Around' sections? They've mysteriously disappeared when you preview the listing, but the sections are still there when in edit mode, with all text intact. I put a note about potential traffic issu... Latest reply by Katie
    I set up my account last week and for some reason it put my surname as my first name. I've been on to my profile and edited it, but it still shows my surname on all messages? Latest reply by Charles224