
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

is Airbnb hiding guest bad reviews from future hosts by manipluating guest profiles?

is Airbnb hiding guest bad reviews from future hosts by manipluating guest profiles?

 I have discovered 2 guests that  I have given bad reviews to that the information is not being reflected accurately under the guests profile.


One guest the review shows up but shows she has 2 reviews both 5 star I most defiantly did not give a 5 star review. It was 1-3.


She wanted to cancel midway through her stay because of a family emergency and when Airbnb did not approve her cancellation immediately, she tried to lie about cleaning issues in order to use that as reason to get a refund. She filed a bogus resolution center claim. I ultimately did approve her refund. I cant stand guest who lye and try manipulate the sysytem.


The other guest staged pictures and sent them the night before check out and demanded a full refund for his 4 night stay. Again he was most indefinitely was not given a 5 star review, and his review had warnings to other hosts of his actions. 


The review showed up but it showed all 5 stars. Now the review is gone and he is still showing up as a 5 star guest again he only had 2 reviews.


Is Airbnb manipulating guests reviews so that future hosts wont read the bad reviews?


Why are bad reviews being hidden from other hosts and the star rating manipulated.?


The more I dig into this the worse it is. the 1st guest when I check the review I posted about her, the page says she did not leave a review but she did.


There is something very fishy going on with this. CS says they can see the reviews on their end and agree that I did not give them 5 stars, but refuse to answer me directly about how the guest still has 2 reviews, both 5 star, yet I never gave them 5 stars.


We as hosts have to endure scamming guest who lie about the situation in reviews and when we post negative reviews about guest, they are hidden, removed and manipulated.


Are we as hosts being manipulated so our guests  bad reviews we post disappear?


18 Replies 18
Level 10
Fernandina Beach, FL

That’s interesting. I stayed at an Airbnb last month and posted a 3 star review. The review is not showing in their listing but it is showing in my profile. Very fishy. 

So you were the guest this time?


that’s opposite to what I have been experiencing but still not accurate 

@Maggie-and-Norm0  I see all of your reviews of hosts, both on your profile, and on the listings of your hosts (the one from September 2021, for instance).


P.S. You are an honest, tough customer. 🙂

@Maggie -and - Norm0 It has been the case for a while that all reviews are on some type of shuffle and no longer appear in order . This can be bad for the host if one ugly one sits atop the others but if they are older than a year then they do not show at all as far as I can tell but the host  has the same rights as the guest ,within certain guidlines to have an unfair review removed. It depends what you said really. Was it that bad that you would mark a fellow host down like that? Did you contact them? H

I thought it was just me. I saw that for a very bad guest we had. Shows a 5* when clearly she was far from it and was rated accordingly. 

Level 10
Fredericksburg, VA

It would appear to be the case.

I had a guest who blatantly violated the extortion policy. He was reviewed accordingly. 
When I checked back in February, my review was gone.

I contacted AirBNB and complained and without any explanation for why it was removed, they did reinstate the review.

So much for honest reviewing.



Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Shaun 124 couple of things could be happening . one is that she has since stayed somewhere and gotten a five star review because there is no way that your stars for her could have changed ,the other is that she saw your review and asked for it to be removed and it is in 'contest' . this should resolve but would account for it not being there . Send any evidence of the reason why thru to airbnb making sure you do not personally malign or abuse the guest H

Level 10
Gretton, United Kingdom

Yes, i had this. I left a poor review for a guest. The poor review showed up on her profile and she made an abusive response to this (accusing my cleaner of theft). I called CS to complain about the response and i was told the guest had left me a 5 star good review. The good review never showed up on my listing. CS were able to see the good review but it never showed up on my profile? Yes I'm suspicious that my bad review led to the guest requesting that her review be removed. I didn't think this was allowed but who knows. I think there is something fishy going on.

@Alexandra199  That is allowed - the author of a review has the right to have it removed. 

Andrew, Is this even after it has been posted and after they have read their albeit poor review? Are you sure about this because surely that would mean that if a guest leaves me a bad review, and I have left them a good review, I could just ask that my glowing review be removed from their profile. This would of course be quite detrimental to them if they had no previous reviews. 

@Alexandra199  Yes, I am sure of it. You generally can't go back and change your review after it's been posted (for example, change it from positive to negative) but the author always has the right to remove any content they post on the platform - including reviews, review responses, and CC posts.

You are absolutely correct Andrew (as usual). I’ve just done exactly as you says without any question from CS! 

@Alexandra199 I think if your guest left a poor response to your low review involving any personal abuse then Airbnb can remove the reviews .They remove all of it not just leaving the good bits. Did you really want to have the nasty response? I personally have never had a nasty reponse from a guest who left a good review in the first place so am unaware what they look like . My guests generally go straight for the jugular before I have a chance to review them. I give them a pretty good review as long as everything is generally okay and once in a while am floored by how nasty people can be .  I will then leave a response saying i think they are or were unfair. This tends to stick around and they rarely respond after this to the point where I thought that they could not. Some people are just rude but personally   I dislike constantly judging others unless I am outraged by their poor behaviour Many things though are swept under the carpet and eventually the terrible behaviour of some guests protected due to privacy will become known. H

Helen, the guest left my cottage in a bad state. I gave her a poor review. She wrote a good review for me, she had had a lovely time! On seeing my poor review she responded to the review  and accused my cleaner of stealing an eye mask (she says she left it behind, but we didn’t find it). She didn’t mention this in her 5 star review. 


I asked CS to remove the accusation of theft. They refused. 
I now suspect she has requested her positive review about my cottage be removed, hence it doesn’t show on my listing. Hope that explains things.