number of listings

number of listings

Hi, I am just setting up an Airbnb account for our upcoming apartment house. We have 6 apartments with different settings (bed, space, view,...). My question is now, do I create 6 listings or only 1? If I have to create 6 listings, how do I manage to copy and paste all the main information that is the same for all apartments? Thanks!!

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Silvia1981  You need 6 listings. Make sure you only show photos of each listing plus any common spaces, like a yard.


Can't advise on copying and pasting, as I've never had to do that.

Thank you Sarah!


Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Silvia1981  you should create first listing and then you have 2 possible ways to duplicate it. Look at red arrows



here is what you will see when you click on previous links





Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Silvia1981 Just be careful when you duplicate the listings to go through them carefully. Airbnb doesn't duplicate things like cancellation policy or booking method which they set to flexible and Instant Book respectively no matter what the duplicated listing says. Bit sneaky really!