The phrases "COVID 19" and "Common Space" should never be together!!!
If you put a bed in a non-bedroom, your airbnb listing will label that room as a "Common space". Even if it's in a entire home.
Our mother-in-law apartment is located in the back of our home. I took great care to install locking doors (with dead-bolt locks) in the family room and added a Murphy bed to support more guests. This room even gives the apartment a 2nd private outside door!
In the airbnb listing, the room is setup with "Shared with others" turned OFF... yet the listing shows the 2nd bed as being in a "Common space".
Airbnb should change this to say "Other Space" or better yet, the name of the room the bed is in (like "Living room") so as to not confuse guests. Our listing has no common spaces!