who does the cleaning during months long stays?
06:46 PM

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06:46 PM
who does the cleaning during months long stays?
who does the cleaning during months long stays?
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09:18 PM

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09:18 PM
@Julie5377 The guest does the cleaning. I assume they have access to a washer and dryer. Airbnb sets the amount for the cleaning fee when they vacate but you can alter that amount. They may see your offer to dust etc as an infringement of their privacy. Offering to change the sheets and towels weekly would be a good idea if you wish to spy on them.
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06:49 PM

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06:49 PM
@Julie5377 If silent then the guest BUT we try to change linen every week or so - That way we get access to the apartments to ensure they are being looked after.
06:49 PM
06:54 PM

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06:54 PM
@Mike-And-Jane0 Thank you for your quick reply. How should I communicate this to the guest?
How can I include that as a note in my listing?
Sorry and thanks - just getting started as a host!
06:54 PM
06:58 PM

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06:58 PM
@Julie5377 I would just message them. Its hard to give advice as we don't know the specifics. Are they asking for a cleaner - if so explain Airbnb is different to a hotel and then negotiate a deal with them.
06:58 PM
07:11 PM

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07:11 PM
appreciate your input, since I am new to this. I cannot find anything about cleaning fees, except when guest moves out. I have a reservation for a room with shared amenities for 5 months. how about I offer to provide clean sheets weekly;
come straight out and ask if they plan on doing their own cleaning, or would they like me to provide that for a fee, let's say $ 20 weekly for dusting, floor, and their private bathroom?
09:18 PM

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09:18 PM
@Julie5377 The guest does the cleaning. I assume they have access to a washer and dryer. Airbnb sets the amount for the cleaning fee when they vacate but you can alter that amount. They may see your offer to dust etc as an infringement of their privacy. Offering to change the sheets and towels weekly would be a good idea if you wish to spy on them.
10:47 PM

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10:47 PM
@Bronwyn100 Hey, your response is just what I was looking for! As I said, this is new to me and I want to do it right. What you say sure makes sense! Thanks again! If you ever come my way, you can stay here for free (limited offer haha) Rats, you are in ustralia - but then my cousin from Melbourne visited me twice! Take care and thanks.
12:52 AM

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12:52 AM
I have been doing this for a year now and have had 3 different long-term guests. The first one was male, the second one female, and my present one is male. I do not charge a cleaning fee, and knock on wood, I have been very fortunate. Studio apt was left in very clean condition.
When guests check-in, they have access to 3 weeks of towels/wash cloths, bed linen and bath mats.Then every 2 weeks thereafter, they leave the dirty stuff in provided laundry bag and I replace with clean stuff.
During the tour, I show them where all cleaning supplies, trashbags, vacuum cleaner and broom/dustpan are and ask them if they want me to tidy up during their stay. All have said no, they would clean up after themselves. This is fine with me and has worked out well.
I’ll be honest, the first time I did this, I was really worried about not seeing my rental for two months—thinking I would encounter chaos when guest checked out. But no such thing. Both times I was pleasantly surprised. My present guest checks out after Labor Day and I believe he has also taken care of my rental.
I sincerely believe because I don’t charge a cleaning fee, guest want to leave my place the way they found it.
04:02 AM

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04:02 AM
Thank you so much for your thorough and sensible answer - just what a newbie is looking for! With the few renters I have had so far, I have had only good experiences. So thank you for your input!
07:19 PM

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07:19 PM
@Julie5377 For longer stays I will always negotiate a mid week clean .Fresh linen in and Kitchen bathroom clean plus vacumn, plus plenty of extra cleaning supplies.Unlike @Bronwyn100 i do not regard this as an invasion of privacy but instead a 'matter of trust' organized to fit in with the needs of the guest and the host . It is an STR not a long term rental for which we are paid. to my mind this does require a level of service similar to a serviced apartment and hopefully your guests are either used to this type of service or happy to become accustomed to it. Otherwise at the end of a long term stay one can be in for a nasty shock . It is especially important julie if there are things like gardening to take care of and other maintenance issues such as washing out of trash bins. alert your guest to 'rubbish bin day and attempt to attend the next day . A couple of hours allows you to keep up with any maintenance necessary . And also can alert you to any other issues . most STR letters venture into airbnb because of the lack of control of their homes with long term rentals. These month or longer stays without a tenancy agreement or supervision are a recipe for disaster Julie . Send an extra fee charge weekly for this service. .. Good Luck with whatever you choose but remember its your linen and all your belongings in the house..also some things will be different , guests after the first week will need to buy their own supplies and will require probably laundry baskets and clothes hanging and storage areas and or outside drying or a map to the laundromat , possibly also some takeaway containers to prevent them taking kitchen containers outside the house and maybe extra disposable cutlery as well as shopping bags..... Its easy enough to make this work Julie with diligence and with respect. good luck again .. H
07:19 PM