[Updated] AO15 Contest: Airbnb Open Stories Contest now Closed

Level 3
San Francisco, CA

[Updated] AO15 Contest: Airbnb Open Stories Contest now Closed

[Updated] Launched back in November at Airbnb Open 2015, the AO2015 Stories Contest is now closed. Thank you for all your fantastic submissions, we look forward to announcing the winners soon!



To view the Contest overview see below: 


We welcome you to share your story as a host or share your experience traveling as a guest. Whether it’s life-changing, heart-warming, silly, big, or small -- we want to hear from you!



This contest is only open to hosts who attended Airbnb Open 2015.  Share your story starting November 12, 2015. The contest deadline for submissions will be January 15th, 2016


Submit stories or read stories. Learn more about the contest rules attached. Stories must have a minimum of 200 words, must contain a title, two photos, and use the hashtag #AO2015contest.



One 1st prize of $15,000 USD

One 2nd prize of $7,000 USD

One 3rd prize of $3,000 USD



Winners will be selected based on the spirit of the submission. How does it relate to hospitality, social impact and experiences on Airbnb?


NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN.  Open only to attendees, 18 or older, registered at Airbnb Open 2015 in Paris.  Skill contest.  Judges’ decisions determine winners.  Entry deadline 11:59:59 p.m.  San Francisco time on 01/15/2016.  Submitted stories may be used by Airbnb for promotional purposes.  Additional terms apply.   See Official Rules below.



Q: How many times can I submit a story?

A:  Please only submit one story.

Q: Can I edit my story submission?

A: Not at this time.

Q: How can I confirm my submission was received?

A: You will see a notification confirming receipt of submission once you click Post.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of photos I can upload or video link submissions?

A: Not at this time. We look forward to what you have to share!

Still have questions? Feel free to post your questions in this thread and we will try to get them answered as soon as we can!

See full rules below: 


113 Replies 113
Level 2
Rome, Italy

ho avuto il piacere di ospitare 2 anni fa 2 ospiti molto speciali , mamma e figlio provenienti dal messico , ma lui viveva in germania poiche lavorava li. La mamma era andato a trovarlo in occasione della festa della mamma e lui da bravo figlio le aveva fatto un regalo: un viaggio in Italia dove lei non era mai stata.

Aveva scelto cosi' casa mia per trascorrere alcuni giorni a Roma. 

Appena sono arrivati ho capito che erano molto speciali , l' amore  entro' con loro nella mia casa

Mi chiesero il giorno dopo se potevo cucinare per loro unna sera, cosa che faccio per i miei ospiti quando me lo chiedono. 

In quei giorni io ero molto triste poiche si avvicinava la festa della mamma, e la mia mamma e' salita in cielo 8 anni fa . 

Il giorno della cena arrivo', e di solito dopo che cucino , mi siedo con i miei ospiti e mangiamo tutti insieme. 

Cosi tra un piatto di pasta e una bruschetta mi raccontarono le loro storie, e lei mi disse che non passava la festa della mamma con suo figlio da otto anni, quando lui aveva deciso di andare a vivere in Germania per lavoro. 

Capii subito che quel messaggio era per me, era un segno dal cielo della mia mamma che voleva dirmi che mi era vicina con il cuore e che non aveva mai smesso di amarmi anche se non era piu fisicamente presente su questa terra. 

Dissi ai miei ospiti che loro erano venuti in casa mia per portami questo bellissimo messaggio di gioia . 

Questa e' stata una delle esperienze piu forti che potessi mai vivere . 

Grazie Airbnb .

per me questo e' belonganywhere. 


Bonjourno MG - What a great story!! Please submit & share your story here: https://community.airbnb.com/t5/forums/postpage/category-id/Stories/choose-node/true

I have submitted my story for more than a week, however, I have not seen it's posted. Have you guys reviewed it?



Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Aor1,


Thanks for checking on this, yes I can confirm we received your story last week. As you may have read in some of my other replies, it is not possible to view the contest submissions yet, so please do not worry if you cannot see yours.


Best of luck. Thanks so much. Lizzie


Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Hi Lizzie,


Can you tell me when you expect my story will be live? 




Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Aor1,


At the moment all of the story submissions are with the Airbnb Team and are presently being looked through. Once I have more information, I will let you know. Keep an eye out for announcments on this in the Community Center. 🙂


Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

hi Jonathan , 

about my story, what happened ? 

I had problem to share my story 

I am a super host near Paris and live with my son 16 and my little chihuahua in a charming house located in a bucolic neighborhood. I like books, sharing news ideas and travelling to be inspired.


A few days ago I received a letter from Nicole, an AirBNB guest that I welcomed into my home this past September. Her letter left a strong impression on me and it motivated me to share our experience with the AirBNB community.


Dear Catherine,

   I am writing to you because I don’t think you realize how much you have actually helped me while I stayed in your home this past September.

   Two days before I was scheduled to arrive, I found out that I had been a victim of a phishing scam that took all the money I had been saving up to pay for my caution and my first month’s rent. I was devastated by this loss and I did not want to come to France to be an English teacher. Luckily, my friends and my family in Florida told me I would regret if I did not go. My mother saw your listing on the AirBNB site and she told me that you looked like a nice person and that I could be comfortable there. So I booked the room. The plane ride was difficult as I had way too much time to sit with my thoughts. I was reeling and thinking about how awful people in this world could be to others. I couldn’t believe something like this could happen and that as an expat, I was targeted only to be left out in the cold when I would arrive to Paris. Work was going to start the next week and I was hoping and praying that everything was going to be ok and that I would have a roof over my head.

 When I arrived to your home, I instantly felt welcome and warm. You made me feel so comfortable and safe which was a very important feeling to have, especially after what I had been through. During the days while you worked, I searched for an apartment to rent. But since my French is not perfect and I get nervous speaking French over the phone, I was having a lot of trouble with that. You asked if you could help me call these listings and I was so grateful, after all the frustrations I was happy to have this salvation. You actually seemed to enjoy helping me with this mundane task, you told me when the landlords sounded nice on the phone and alternatively when the living situation did not sound optimal. I told my mother how you were helping me and she was overjoyed and relieved knowing that I was with someone who cared about my safety and about me.

  After several days of this, I still didn’t have a place to stay and you did not want me to be forced into living somewhere that was not comfortable or safe. You told me you had a small room that you were going to turn into a bedroom anyways and to my utter surprise you went to Ikea and bought a bed set that day! You opened your home to me in such an unexpected way and it really touched my heart and made me believe that humanity is good once again. On top of that, it was ultimately your contact that led me to where I am now, sitting in my apartment in the 6th arrondisement writing this letter to you.

     I wanted to thank you for all the kindness you have shown me. I think this is what separates AirBNB from all of the other hotel and hostel experiences and I was lucky that my mother chose your listing! I know our story does not end here and that I will be seeing you very soon, but I think it is important to give credit and appreciation where it is due.



In her letter, Nicole mentioned how our experience together transformed her life, but what she didn't realize was that my life will never be the same.

Helping Nicole get settled into her new life in Paris was a natural thing for me. I thought about her mother and how she had to have been worried about her daughter. I thought about my own daughter who, like Nicole, could one day in the future be in the same situation in another country. I also thought about all of the travelers who, like Nicole, arrive in France with their heads fulls of dreams for a country full of fantasy. My role is not to deceive them, not to disappoint them. I had to rise to the level of expectations that my country and my city has set: sharing our "savoir-vivre" and our french idea of brother/sisterhood. I had discovered with Nicole that hosting guests would allow me to significantly enrich my life because it would enable me to become a link in this magnificent human solidarity chain that can really change the world. Participating to this generous project cheers me up!


for me is un  incredible story 

Level 2
Palm Springs, CA

Hi there,


Can you please check if I am eligible to submit an entry for this contest? A company (Directly) that may be considered an affiliate set up the system for the community so don't think that would be an issue but would just like to make sure.



Thank you,

Diana Bell

Superhost & Community Expert

Hi Diana,

You are eligible to submit your stories as long as you are/were an attendee at the Airbnb Open in Paris... And if you are a Super Host that Attended The AO, then go for it !


Have fun and we are looking forward to read your story.




Level 2



On the page where the AO2015contest story is to be written, there is no way to attach photos.

How can I attach them in order to meet the contest rules?


Thank you,


Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Ruth2,


Great to see you are going to submit a story.


When you click on the link above (Submit stories), you will be taken to a page with a text box with the same layout as this thread. To add an image, click on the little camera icon on the tool bar and then upload your image. Here is also a handy link to other forum functionalities, that you might find useful. 


(Since posting this I have edited and removed the image as it was incorrect)


Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.