Subject: Urgent Assistance Needed for Temporary Housing Dear...
Subject: Urgent Assistance Needed for Temporary Housing Dear, I am reaching out to seek guidance and assistance regarding tem...
Hi everyone,
I’m Catherine, Airbnb’s Global Head of Hosting. Over the past week, so many lives have been devastated by the unfolding scenes of violence in Ukraine. In this moment of global crisis, we’re turning our attention to how we can help.
We want to let you know that has committed to offering free, short-term housing for up to 100,000 refugees fleeing Ukraine. will provide funding and support for nonprofit partners on the ground who will directly facilitate temporary stays for refugees.
We have heard from Hosts who have been directly affected by the violence or are worried for family and friends in the region. And I’ve been heartened to hear from so many of you who want to get involved and help, and in the coming days, we’ll have more details about how you can do so.
In the meantime, you can sign up to provide emergency housing in your area or make a donation to’s Refugee Fund. To learn more about and the effort to temporarily house refugees fleeing Ukraine, head to the Resource Center.
We’ll be in touch with more very soon. If you have questions or suggestions, you can always tag me directly on the Community Center: @Catherine-Powell
Until then, take good care of yourselves and each other.
People are helping by making bookings in Kiev and not planning on visiting but as a way to help the host with finances. I would like to ask AIRBNB to waive all fees for bookings in the coming days until this mess is over.
@Michael6421 Airbnb have waived the service fee for Ukrainian stays. Please do spend your super host voucher knowing it will get all the money through to a host. Rightly or wrongly people are booking home share hosts as these guarantee the money is getting to a real person not a corporation.
Велике прохання до керівництва Airbnb дайте господарям доступ до контактів гостей, які надають запит. Якщо у нас зайнято, то ми на місці можемо знайти біженцям житло. Повідомити їм координати, де вони можуть безкоштовно розміститися. Зараз ситуація виглядає так: є запит на бронювання (у господаря - зайнято), але він готовий розмістити людей у інших своїх об'єктів, яких немає на Airbnb. На жаль, не можуть зв'язатися і дати номер телефону, бо сервіс блокує. Будь ласка, зробіть виключення для України. Це зможе надату безпеку громадянам, які тікати від війни.
English translation of @Natalia1119 post
A big request to the Airbnb management to give the hosts access to the contacts of the guests who make the request. If we are busy, we can find housing for the refugees on the spot. Tell them the coordinates where they can stay for free. Now the situation is as follows: there is a request for a reservation (the owner is busy), but he is ready to accommodate people in his other facilities, which are not on Airbnb. Unfortunately, they cannot contact and give the phone number, because the service is blocked. Please make an exception for Ukraine. This will provide security for citizens fleeing the war.
Hello! How can one search Airbnb for apartments available for refugees in Vienna? We are searching for accommodation for 2 families arriving next week, but I can't figure out where to find listing for the apartments offered for refugees (with or without fee).
Thank you!
Hi @Tanja303,
There is more information on how to find a stay for refugees on this page:
We don’t offer housing directly to individuals at this time. works with other nonprofit partners who book and coordinate stays for refugee guests.
Please reach out to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) if you’re in need of immediate housing support.
I hope this helps!
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
Hi Emilie,
Thank you very much for the reply though it doesn't really help with this particular situation.
We are trying to find accommodation in Vienna for 2 mothers with kids, official channels and organizations are overstretched as it is. There are locals offering to help cover the costs, but finding the apartments is at the moment difficult.
We can apparently only contact listing by listing and ask directly if hosts would accept such guests.
But thank you anyhow and best of luck with your work.
Hello, I would like to make my existing listing available for refugees but won’t let me set up a listing because my phone number is already associated with my air bnb listing. How can I extend my existing listing to the refugee group? I can’t see an option on the app?
Hi @Helen2648,
I'm sorry to hear you're running into some issues there! Have you tried going through this page?
Let us know how you get on 🙂
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
Thanks Emilie, yes that’s the page but when I get through to putting my phone number in it says it’s ‘already in use’ and as I only have one phone number i’m not sure what to do?
@Helen2649 Hmm that's odd indeed, are you trying to creating a brand new listing or to register your current listing on I can see that the account you're writing to us from has no listing associated with it, so it could be that you're not logged into the correct one?
If you can't find a way around the error, it might be worth checking in with the Support team 😕
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
As soon as the Russians invade Ukraine I felt morally unable to take bookings from Russia.
I therefore cancelled three airbnb bookings, the first I have ever cancelled!!
I am having to pay for the cancellations. The booking periods are blocked and I have also had my account suspended. I have been told....
I’m writing to let you know that we’ve received a report of a statement made to your guest, Daria, which may have violated our nondiscrimination policy. The report that we received alleges that you made cancelled her booking since she is of Russian nationality............
I will wear the suspension with pride.
@Alastair60 Whilst I understand your action I do need to point out that there are many Russian dissidents in the World including those that are brave enough to demonstrate against Putin in Russia itself.
As we mere mortals cannot know good from bad I think we should leave it to the politicians to decide who is sanctioned and who is not.
Thank you very very much for support!!!
Thank you Catherine & Airbnb.
Additionally and independent from these corporate efforts, members of this community has begun renting space in Ukraine as a way of getting money into the hands of people directly.
Is Airbnb waiving the charges to the Owners thus allowing full payment to go to them instead?
Have been asked on social media, would love to be able to respond in the affirmative.