Subject: Urgent Assistance Needed for Temporary Housing Dear...
Subject: Urgent Assistance Needed for Temporary Housing Dear, I am reaching out to seek guidance and assistance regarding tem...
Hi everyone,
I’m Catherine, Airbnb’s Global Head of Hosting. Over the past week, so many lives have been devastated by the unfolding scenes of violence in Ukraine. In this moment of global crisis, we’re turning our attention to how we can help.
We want to let you know that has committed to offering free, short-term housing for up to 100,000 refugees fleeing Ukraine. will provide funding and support for nonprofit partners on the ground who will directly facilitate temporary stays for refugees.
We have heard from Hosts who have been directly affected by the violence or are worried for family and friends in the region. And I’ve been heartened to hear from so many of you who want to get involved and help, and in the coming days, we’ll have more details about how you can do so.
In the meantime, you can sign up to provide emergency housing in your area or make a donation to’s Refugee Fund. To learn more about and the effort to temporarily house refugees fleeing Ukraine, head to the Resource Center.
We’ll be in touch with more very soon. If you have questions or suggestions, you can always tag me directly on the Community Center: @Catherine-Powell
Until then, take good care of yourselves and each other.
Thank you for you reply, Till-and-Jutta0. It was very helpful and confirmed what I was feeling. I had become reticent about offering my private room too because it's in a rural area and likely not suitable for refugees needs, but I wanted to do what I could and offer what I have. I'm so glad that there exists that level of support for refugees else where.
I do just wish that would have put out an informational email to hosts who signed up to keep us informed.
My name is Natalia, I'm from Ukraine. I am a mother of two children: a 9 year old son and a 7 year old daughter. I am grateful to everyone who helps us in this difficult time, who prays for peace in Ukraine. thank you very much from the bottom of my heart! God bless you! Pictured is my daughter's drawing. my daughter's name is Nadia (Hope), we believe and hope that peace in Ukraine will come very soon. Thanks to all the people who are not indifferent to our fate.
I have run into a bit of a problem of not being able to delineate a listing solely for refugees (
I think there needs to be an option (a setting) for that, so that I don't have to respond to regular Airbnb inquiries and deny or ask them to cancel their requests in order to keep the listing open for refugees.
I've sent feedback on this issue, so it might be considered and resolved.
I ended up having to block my calendar because I kept getting requests from regular Airbnb members. I hope this isn't causing a problem being matched to host a refugee. It's been two weeks since I signed up with to do so and haven't received any communication from them. Has any one else in the U.S. that signed up being contacted? hosting already?
If you offer your regular home at, your calendar should stay open.
You could start a new listing exclusively for to sort this out.
I thank all those who are not indifferent for the words of support and help to the people of Ukraine!
Until now, Germany welcomed 50,000 refugees from the Ukraine. As our borders are open, the real number might be a lot higher. Some hosts in our community now use their guest rooms for friends and relatives from the Ukraine, mostly women and children. More than 10,000 refugees arrived in Berlin last Saturday, so the local infrastructure there is overloaded, and the people are being sent to other parts in our country.
We have registered our private room at last week, and our booking calendar is open since yesterday. So far we have not received any request from – but we are waiting for it every day. And we are prepared: it will be definitely more than just hosting guests. They need a new home, clothes, food, accompaniment during visits to authorities, communication to their family in Ukraine, and a lot of moral support.
Until now not so many refugees arrived in our city. The administration is ready with providing information, help and emergency housing. Waiting for the big wave.
A special challenge during the pandemic will be the Covid-19 requirements: As only 30 % of the Ukrainian population seems to be vaccinated, the majority needs a test every three days, to comply with our local regulations.
We are in the lucky position, that we have available space – no matter if we host tourists, business travelers or refugees. While in the past we had guests from all continents, we are excited to welcome our first guests from the Ukraine. At the same time we are concerned about the tragic circumstances: definitely this war will change our life and hosting style significantly.
Я із родини Airbnb. Мій будинок знаходиться в Україні поруч з містом Житомир. Коли в нашому місті сталося бомбардування і постраждали люди- це був шок. Багато мешканців вимушені були негайно покинути місто, в якому майже кожну годину лунає сирена повітряної тривоги. Дуже страшно їхати з дітьми в невідомість. Нас прихистила родина , учасник Airbnb в Німеччині. Такого піклування такої підтримки я не відчуала ніколи. Коли я трохи оговталась, побачила ще більше диво- мій будиночок, який залишився в Україні заброньовано людьми з усьго світу на багато місяців вперед-так люди передають свою допомогу нам. Я неможу тримати сліз, моє серце крається, дякую що ви є. Якщо навіть бомба поцілить на мій будинок- я вірю, що зможу його відновити і запросити вас у гості. Дякую.
I'm from the Airbnb family. My house is located in Ukraine near the city of Zhytomyr. When there was a bombing in our city and people were injured, it was a shock. Many residents were forced to leave the city immediately, where an air-raid siren sounds almost every hour. It is very scary to go into the unknown with children. We were sheltered by a family member of Airbnb in Germany. I have never felt such care for such support. When I recovered a little, I saw an even more amazing house, which remained in Ukraine booked by people from all over the world for many months ahead, so people give their help to us. I can't hold back tears, my heart is pounding, thank you for being there. Even if a bomb hits my house, I believe I can restore it and invite you to visit. Thanks.
@Ольга146 Thanks for sharing you story. It is incredibly touching to read everything you've gone through, and how you've now found shelter and support in the Airbnb community!
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
Kimberley, Laetitia, Gordon, Galina, Daniel, Theresa, Julienne - people with huge hearts. My family has to run across the country outside. The echo of explosions and sirens haunts us day and night. it was hard to imagine just a month ago that I, my little son and beloved wife, would turn into war-torn people. but the support of people is what helps to believe and hold on. Thanks to everyone who has helped and plans to help people like us. Kindness will change the world.
Hello everyone from Ukraine! My family and I remained volunteers to help our Motherland. But our friends with children were hosted yesterday by a family from Belgium for free for two weeks thanks to the airbnb service. Thank you so much for your company and thanks to Clara and Jim for taking in our friends and their children. People from all over the world at airbnb - you are the best! 💛💙🇺🇦🫂
I want to say Thanks to all , for your support and your reservations
I still stay in Kyiv to defend my native city. Together we are strong!!!
Since short-term accommodations are no longer available for the "Ukraine Help", I have read the tip to book dates further in the future at accommodations with strict cancellation policies, and to cancel again after the 48-hour grace period. This way, the cancellation fees should flow promptly to the host (with the side effect that the accommodations are available again).
As a host I must say: This procedure is not recommended. It is true that service fees are no longer charged for Ukraine. However, the time of payment (at the earliest 1 day after arrival) has not changed. For security reasons (there have already been reports of fake listings), the proven payment modalities are being adhered to - claims to the contrary could not be confirmed.
In addition it is not recommended to book "pro accommodations" (e.g. hotels). Because the money would possibly flow to places whose support was not wanted by the donors.
Please, if you want to help the local people: Donate money. Aid organizations like or others are a reliable way to do this.
If you want to help people here: register your accommodation with or local agencies as available.
My house is in Kharkov, Ukraine. My house was destroyed. I can't make money. All reservations have been canceled. but we will continue our struggle.