Our Host Community’s inspirational effort to support Ukraine

Our Host Community’s inspirational effort to support Ukraine



Hi everyone,


I want to share a sincere thank you to our Host community. While I am not surprised by your acts of kindness and generosity, I am truly overwhelmed by the outpouring of support we are seeing from Hosts around the world as it relates to the situation in Ukraine. 


So far, nearly 20,000 Hosts have expressed a willingness to open up their homes through Airbnb.org to accept those who are fleeing Ukraine. This is yet another reminder of the compassion that drives so much of our work and makes this community very special. 


For those who want to help, there are two ways: either do what you do best and become a Host by signing up here, or if you are unable to host, donate to Airbnb.org’s Refugee Fund. You can also learn more about Airbnb.org and their initiatives for Ukrainian refugees during this crisis by heading to the Resource Center.

I also want to thank our Hosts for contributing your ideas and sharing such heartwarming stories across our Community Center, in various Host Clubs and with the Community Support team. We’ve been reading these carefully and sharing them with the teams here at Airbnb. I can say that our hearts are incredibly full. 


Jennifer Port, our Host Advisory Board Member from Severn, Ontario shared, “This will be our second time participating in Airbnb.org.” She has found her community supportive of her decision to open her home: “If we are able to host a Ukrainian guest … the community will be rallying around to provide clothes, food, meals, rides, interpretation, employment, and the list goes on.”

This past weekend, I also learned that @Samantha744 from North Lincolnshire in Britain will soon be welcoming three generations of Ukrainian women to her home. And another member of our Host community, @Ольга146, from Zhytomyr, Ukraine, shared that she had to flee her home and this is her experience: “We were sheltered by a family member of Airbnb in Germany. I have never felt such care for such support…. Thank you for being there.” 


There is so much kindness in the world and we are seeing it on full display right now. I look forward to hearing more empowering stories from you so please continue tagging me in your posts by typing @Catherine-Powell. I read them all. I learn from them and I share what I learn from our conversations.


Thinking of you all warmly at this difficult time,


27 Replies 27
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Catherine-Powell Great to see all this help being given. You don't mention the other way of giving ie booking with hosts in Ukraine although I do accept that the proliferation of new 'hosts' has somewhat devalued this. I shall stick to only booking with home share hosts who have reviews from before the war started.

This screen shot of the super host that I connected with. I have not heard back recently though. I had hoped to get money to them right away but they were already booked until March 22 when I booked. Maybe now it would be better to send money to the airbnb.org or Samaritans Purse who has set up hospital on Ukraine side of Polish boarder. 


Just received new message she is safely out of Ukraine with 4 kids! Hope she can get an airbnb home to stay in now.

"Dear Cora, finally we left Ukraine because our 4 kids were too scared of the explosions but our thoughts, our souls remained in Kyiv next to our volunteer heroes."

Что вы хотите этим сказать? Что людям , у которых нет жилья, которое они не могут сдавать на этом сайте, им не нужна помощь? может наоборот? 

Очень жаль , что этот сайт мешает добрым людям помогать украинцам! 


What are you trying to say? That people who do not have housing that they cannot rent on this site do not need help? maybe vice versa? 

It is a pity that this site prevents kind people from helping Ukrainians! 

Ваш акаунт також призупинили? Підтримка Airbnb пише що це перевірка, але конкретних дат вказати не можуть. Вже 5 днів як мій акаунт призупинено. Так, шкода що сайт заважає добрим людям допомагати українцям.


Has your account also been suspended? Airbnb support writes that this is a check, but can not specify specific dates. It's been 5 days since my account was suspended. Yes, it is a pity that the site prevents good people from helping Ukrainians.

There is lots you can do to help in Ukraine. Giving to Airbnb.org right now has a double match so what we give is doubled by a generous offer. There must be something lost in translation. 


Those needing housing can connect with partners working in Ukraine and the countries on the boarders where real refugees are fleeing and get help finding housing that is being paid for and supplied by generous Airbnb host. 


In this particular case the woman with 4 kids is traveling and I have had no more communication with her. I continue to hope that someone will offer her housing no matter where she goes!

Hi @Mike-And-Jane0 ,


Thank you for your comments. People all over the world have found additional ways to support those most impacted by this crisis and it has been truly touching to see. Thank you for supporting our community.




@Catherine-Powell Hey! last week the house of our relatives from Mariupol was destroyed by an air strike of the Russian army. There are two small children in the family. We thank the Lord that everyone survived. They managed to evacuate to the border with Poland, and from there they got to Germany in Frankfurt am Main, where the family we met on airbnb took them in for free until the end of the war in Ukraine. The children were given clothes, they are all fed and with their parents are in a warm and cozy house. The humanity and kindness of the members of the airbnb community makes us sincerely glad that our family members are alive and safe. I am in Ukraine and I am a volunteer, it's scary here, but I believe in the victory of my country. This is a war for our freedom, our choice and the future of our children. The whole world supports us. We will definitely defeat the Russian tyrant, we will defeat these invaders and liberate our lands. I often cover the events of my country on my insta: @p_h_o_e_n_i_x._ we are at war not only with Russian occupiers, but also with Russian information propaganda, which cannot be trusted. People, thank you for your support, the Ukrainian people appreciate and see it!

Alex Egorov

How can we further support you right now. Praying. Thankful for men like you willing to volunteer to do what you can do.  Samaritans Purse has set up hospital on Ukraine side of Polish Boader if wounded can make it there. 

Hi @Александр161,


I'm relieved to hear the children are safe and sound and that our community was able to help give them a temporary home! Thank you for the update and more importantly, thank you for all you've been doing for the community.


Please continue to stay safe,


Дуже дякую платформі airbnb за вашу підтримку народові України.Ви всі просто неймовірні люди. Війна - це дуже страшно. І кожного дня авіаудари ворога руйнують наші міста і села, забирають десятки життів.Але в цей важкий дял нас час ви залишаєтесь з нами, з народом України. Я знаходжуся в Сумській області, і скажу вам що надзвичайно страшно чути кожного вечора гуркіт бомб та гудіння техніки ворога. Я намагаюсь допомагати нашій армії та територіальній обороні. Можливо хтось зможе прийняти в себе людей чи допомогти нашим волонтерам чи армії.Адже я знаю як їм важко, в мене тато зараз воює за свою родину, за своїх близьких, за Україну.Я залишу тут свій інстаграм і можливо саме ви станете черговим рятівником для українських жінок та дітей.З приводу будь-яких питань чи допомоги можете писати Instagram king_artur1997 .Я вірю у нашу перемогу - адже за нами правда. Бережи всіх вас Бог.Мирного неба над головою....


I am very grateful to airbnb for your support of the Ukrainians. War is very scary. And every day enemy troops destroy our cities and villages, taking dozens of lives. I am in the Sumy region, and I will tell you that it is extremely scary to hear the sound of bombs every night and the sound of enemy equipment. I try to help our army and territorial defense. Maybe someone will be able to take in people or help our volunteers or the army, and I know how important it is for them, in my country they are fighting for their homeland, for their loved ones, for Ukraine. For any questions or help you can write here my Instagram king_artur1997 . God bless all of you.Peaceful sky over your head....

Level 2
Fountain, CO

  1. This is the first part of translation via google of above message from @Arthur509 which may show up below when I send this. Hope someone else can translate the whole message. You have to scroll side ways to see more than the first line.  Know that we stand with you and are looking for more ways to help. Powerful prayers going on. A hospital has been set up on the Ukraine side of Polish boarder by Samaritans purse if wounded can reach there. 


Thank you very much to the airbnb platform for your support to the people of Ukraine. You are all just incredible people. War is very scary. And every day enemy air strikes destroy our cities and villages, take dozens of lives. But in this difficult part of us, you remain with us, with the people of Ukraine. I am in the Sumy region, and I will tell you that it is extremely scary to hear the roar of bombs and the buzzing of enemy vehicles every night. I try to help our army and territorial defense. Maybe someone will be able to take in people or help our volunteers or the army. I know how difficult it is for them, my father is now fighting for his family, for his relatives, for Ukraine. I will leave my Instagram here and maybe you will become another savior


Level 2
Cambridge, United Kingdom
