Ask an Ambassador #1: Setting a nightly price for your listing

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London, United Kingdom

Ask an Ambassador #1: Setting a nightly price for your listing



Hiya everyone,


Welcome to the New to Hosting board, here on the Airbnb Community CenterWe created this space for those that are new to hosting, so you can ask questions, get suggestions for your debut listings and get help from more experienced Hosts and our Host Ambassadors



Every week we’re talking to Airbnb Host Ambassadors from across the globe and asking them some fundamental questions we often hear from Hosts who are just starting out. 


In this post, you’ll hear from Sue185 from South Maclean, Queensland, Australia about pricing!



Can you share the story of when you decided to become a Host?


I started hosting when I had a small one bed granny flat attached to a house I was renovating. It would sit empty weekdays, as we needed it on the weekend while renovating a house that was gutted so I needed a bathroom to use. I had been a sales rep for 30 years so I understood "customers needs," so I felt that hosting would require the same skills. “Look after a guest like I would look after a customer.”


It just took off and I absolutely loved it and have never looked back.


What’s your favourite part about being an Airbnb Host Ambassador?


Having my heart filled with joy is the reason I love the ambassador program. The “thank you” messages are sometimes so heart-felt. I get a real kick out of looking at the listings when finished and so excited when they get their first bookings. So the messages are so lovely they really make me cry. So many hosts are all different like their homes. 


I just love it as the questions to me are so easy to answer, however I know a new person can seem like "I will never get this". So I am happy to help!


How do you figure out the nightly price for your listing?


Great question! 


I host homes all over the world from one bed flats up to 5 bedroom mansions and the prices are always tricky to get just right, at the start.

The best starting point is go into Airbnb itself, as a traveller, and in the filters look up other properties the same size that sleep the same number of people.

Let's say for example your listing is 3 bed 2 bath and sleeping 6: then go into Airbnb and search properties similar and in similar areas on the map.


Often, it helps to find someone that has been doing this a long time in your area with similar property. It can sometimes help to start just that little bit lower to get those first few guests in and get those all important reviews and get momentum happening.


This article will help as prices might also come down to the amenities you offer and how “luxurious” your home is, as location and style of home can make a difference too. My 2 bed dog-friendly unit on a ground floor would not compare in price to a luxury 2 bed unit with a balcony with ocean views. So always “compare your apple to other apples” as the saying goes.


Have a good look around to work out what prices may suit your property first up. It's something that can take a few months to find what I call your “sweet spot”.


Happy hosting and let me know if I can help more by adding a comment below!


Thank you, @Sue185! If you are new to Hosting, learn from Airbnb Ambassadors like Sue in a free Hosting class.


What are your best tips for setting your nightly rate?


You can also share your questions and comments below so we can ask more Host Ambassadors your top questions for the series. 


Many thanks,



*Ask an Ambassador is an educational series designed to let Ambassadors answer questions and provide suggestions for your debut listing.  The views and opinions expressed in this series are the Ambassador's and do not necessarily reflect the views of Airbnb. Stays and Experiences on Airbnb are always evolving, and the information discussed in this series is subject to change.



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11 Replies 11
Level 5
Solana Beach, CA

I have a slightly different version of this question. I host in my home, so when I travel I absolutely want my house filled (or it just sits empty going to waste). Other than simply drop the price , is there any way to promote a "special deal" for certain dates while I am gone? 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Craig71 Other than price what do you want to include in your special deal?

Level 5
Solana Beach, CA

Nothing other than a price reduction.  But if you look at your email - you get blasted with "big Sale" , 4th of July specials etc....with Airbnb there is no way to have a sale (that I am aware of ) - so I can lower the price but nobody knows the price is a special deal.


Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Craig71 Try setting a custom promotion in your calendar

Cool, never noticed that before - I think I'll give it a try! !

@Craig71 when you set a special discount for a period (may be 2 days or a week or what you want) Air Bnb show you, according to the % of discount), the advantages you have: special mention on your listing, mail to potential guest etc etc: try and see. I choose this way too when I have some "hole"

Level 2
Tytherleigh, United Kingdom

I have a daily rate for a given period example would be Aug 19th to Set 1st = £139.00 per night  then lets say for the period Sept 2nd to Sept 8th would = £114.00  my prices vary throught the year how do i apply these rates in AIRBNB ??

Level 1
Rossendale, United Kingdom

Hi Leslie695

Did you get the answer to this question regarding setting varying rates depending on the dates?  It's exactly what I would like to know too.


Level 1
Rossendale, United Kingdom

Hi @Leslie695 

Did you get the answer to this question regarding setting varying rates depending on the dates?  It's exactly what I would like to know too.




Level 2
Tytherleigh, United Kingdom

Yes .the secret is to select MANAGE LISTING then Calendar

Level 1
Rossendale, United Kingdom

Hi @Leslie695 

Did you get the answer to this question regarding setting varying rates depending on the dates?  It's exactly what I would like to know too.