Great news—Airbnb is now accepting submissions for new exper...
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Great news—Airbnb is now accepting submissions for new experiences! List your Experience has reopened. The goal is to find am...
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Superhosts deserve web addresses that are as unique as their homes and hospitality. And soon, all Superhosts will be able to create a custom web address—an exclusive, easy-to-remember link that will help guests find their specific listings and make it easier to brand and promote their business. That’s right, no more lengthy web addresses that include random numbers and symbols (unless you prefer them, of course).
In the next couple of months, we’ll be introducing custom links to Superhosts. Superhosts will receive an email or a dashboard notification with a link to create their personalized web addresses.
Let’s brainstorm some ideas to make your link stand out. First, here’s what the new format will look like:
Some web address examples:
Things to think about:
Tips on making your custom link easier to read:
Other points to keep in mind:
This feature was designed so Superhosts can create memorable web addresses, put them on business cards and in email signatures, and promote them on social media. In the coming months, all Superhosts will get access to this feature—thank you for providing hospitality as unique as your future web address.
*Superhosts are allowed one custom URL per listing. If at some point, you’re no longer a Superhost, you will be able to keep your custom web address. If your listing becomes deactivated, the custom URL is then available for another listing to claim.
I know your place! It is always booked haha
@Sandi14 wrote:Hi there,
Many of us will find this super helpful. We have a place at the beach. We live here year round as well. So I am often speaking with visitors from all around the world and they ask about our space. It will be really nice to be able to say: visit Oceanfront Surf City... or whatever.
And when I post on my facebook pages, to put this custom link instead of the stock airbnb url, as well as on my post cards and my business cards.
When you share a link to your space with anyone by email or in writing, it will be more memorable.
Would you mind sharing how your Airbnb biz card look like? thanks -)
I think I can explain. Say you meet someone who you want to introduce to your listing. Now, there is no way to tell them how to find it on Airbnb. If you have a link with a name, you can print a business card with that listing, and whoever you give it to, can go to it directly. You can't do that now.
I have to politely disagree. I drive Uber and occasionally mention I also am an Airbnb host. A quick way to find my listings is to search for my town—by name or ZIP code—then click or tap on the photo with the white furry dog standing at the front door. That’s my place! Pretty simple.
If you put in my town it also shows every town within an hour away so sorting thru all those homes would be difficult and while doing so, looking for me I could easily see them finding another place they might prefer to mine. I personally think if you put in the search for a specific town, it should show all those listings from that town before it shows towns an hour away but it doesn't. I am quite sure many of my guests did not find me this year specifically because it does that this year for some odd reason.
Thank you for that explanation Wren3!
it took a while before the penny dropped but I think this is a great idea.
Lyn, I've had many occasions where I wanted to give people info on how to find my listing and it's nearly impossible. This will be much easier. It's like having a website address instead of just "I'm on Airbnb".
If you have 7 listings and want to drive business to your rentals, then having all of your listings on one website, with a meaningful title would be awesome. For some people, their AirBnB rentals are their livelihood - their business. You could advertise your AirBnB website on Facebook and other places.
My understanding is one url per listing. So you can’t consolidate all of your listings under one catchy link. (I was hoping this would be the case then I read the details)
Hi, Lyn. Good questions. I am a "bright older thing" in my 60s and have been working on getting more visibility for our homes. Some hosts choose to create a "brand". We purchased domain names for our rentals, and have a website, through godaddy, and google business pages, instagram, facebook, and twitter. Most of the time we like to direct viewers back to our website. But, if we didn't have a website, being able to direct them to our Airbnb page with a relevant url would be most appreciated. Now we will likely use this url in addition to offering links to our webpage (not on Airbnb though, we don't link to our webpage from airbnb). On an instagram post, for instance, we could say visit our website at .......... or check us out on Airbnb at ..........
I am another "older thing" and wondered also why this would help but I do have business cards that I put on the desk in the guest room and most of my guests take one. That way they can contact me if they are planning on a repeat visit or some say to give to family and friends who might like to stay. I would still direct them to the Airbnb booking site but it means you can have communication outside the site and former guests often contact me to say "hello" which is nice.
Lately we've found ourselves in situations where a business card with a relevant URL would be beneficial to someone who may want to book our place someday. Wherever there are tourists such as on a ferry, at the beach etc. We frequent a water taxi in our area where there are many vacationers aboard. Conversations usually get around to "where are you from" or "so you're here on vacation?". At that point we usually say we have an airbnb nearby for future reference, then realize how handy business cards would have been.
I leave business cards in my unit so people can take them home and pass them out to friends and family.
I also have online shops and I put one of my cards in every order - might spur someone to take a look at my listing!
Every contact is a potential customer - when people ask me what I do (like grocery store clerks) I give them my business card.
Cheap adverting.
How can folks find your listings , they have to search through many.
I have a couple who stayed 2 years ago in a unit at 300. Per nt.
now they booked a room with me for 89. Per night , because that’s the
First they saw posted. They could have gone directly to me with this system.
I have a business card stand in every listing. They keep the card with them in case there is a problem during the vacation, they take home to give a friend, they keep it for their next time around. I had it printed with my picture so they always remember who belongs to. In three years I have used 1000 business cards in 5 listings. Life is good.