Αλλαγή ιδιοκτησίας καταλύματος / Change of property ownership

Level 1
Athens, Greece

Αλλαγή ιδιοκτησίας καταλύματος / Change of property ownership

Καλησπέρα σας,

θα ήθελα να σας ρωτήσω εάν γνωρίζει κάποιος εάν πρέπει να αλλάξει ο ΑΜΑ (Αριθμός Μητρώου Ακινήτου) σε περίπτωση που αλλάξει η ιδιοκτησία του ακινήτου. Πιο συγκεκριμένα το σπίτι ανήκει στον πατέρα μου και θα περάσει στο όνομα μου. Πρέπει να εκδόσω νέο ΑΜΑ; Εάν ναι, ξερετε επίσης εάν με την αλλαγή του ΑΜΑ και του ΑΦΜ χάνετε το ιστορικό της καταχώρησης, όπως δηλαδή οι κριτικές καθώς και το καθεστώς του superhost που έχω;

Σας ευχαριστώ εκ των προτέρων,

Good evening,

I would like to ask if anyone knows if the AMA (Property Registration Number) needs to be changed in case the ownership of the property changes. More specifically, the house belongs to my father and will be transferred to my name. Do I need to issue a new AMA? If so, do you also know if by changing the AMA and VAT number you lose your listing history such as the reviews and superhost status I have?

Thank you in advance,

[Translation added by OCM]

Top Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Yannis64, Hope you are doing well!


Have you managed to get some information on how to change property ownership through other means?


If you are still looking for some help, I would recommend you also explore our Local Host Clubs! I was having a quick look at the clubs and managed to find the Athens group. Sharing the link here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/371685213927987.


Also, I am reaching out to one of our experienced members @Lorna170, who has always shared some great knowledge about tax and property-related topics with other members. I hope we can get some good insights about your question from her.



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1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Yannis64, Hope you are doing well!


Have you managed to get some information on how to change property ownership through other means?


If you are still looking for some help, I would recommend you also explore our Local Host Clubs! I was having a quick look at the clubs and managed to find the Athens group. Sharing the link here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/371685213927987.


Also, I am reaching out to one of our experienced members @Lorna170, who has always shared some great knowledge about tax and property-related topics with other members. I hope we can get some good insights about your question from her.



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