Add a Pet Fee today, Who Affected

Level 2
Black Mountain, NC

Add a Pet Fee today, Who Affected

Hello All,


I added a pet fee, instead of collecting it as "additional". There are some guests already booked that have pets listed. Will all of them be automatically charged, or only new bookings?


Thank you for any insight you can provide!




5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Mike518 

In my experience (if these are straightforward, confirmed, short-term bookings already in place), the existing bookings will already be paid by the guests (even though you will only receive the money after check-in). So I would expect that the new fee structure would only apply to new bookings.

Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Mike518 


@Shelley159 is correct - any changes in price, cancellation policy, discounts etc that you make to your listing do not affect confirmed bookings so the pet fee will not be charged to your existing reservations.


Did you tell these guests that there would be an "additional" cost maybe for their pets via the Airbnb message system?  Hotels and hosts connected to a Channel Manager are allowed to ask for money outside of the platform in the following cases:


All the best


Yep. I'll get the pet fee another way, as I did before, for the confirmed bookings. 


Thank you!




Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Mike518 , seems like Joelle and Shelly have offered to-the-point observations on their end. How are you going to proceed further with the pet fees from the booked guests? As Joelle asked, have you already made the guests aware of an additional fee?


I also wanted to share an Airbnb article in case it helps with some brief insight about Pet Fees. There's also another general article if useful : What you need to know about hosting pets .





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Hi Bhumika,


My guests already know about the fee. I'm only changing how it gets collected. Thank you!


