Airbnb list won't show

Level 2
Cebu City, Philippines

Airbnb list won't show



Can it be that Airbnb would only give priority to those who religiously follow their advises, like hiring a photographer from them, hiring a co-host, etc.?   For me, i would like to do things my way because i am employed and having to engage myself with these things would just add up to my responsibilities and stress.  I cannot attend to all their demands or suggestions. 

At first, i got guests right away on the same week, but when Airbnb started to push me on something that they suggest like to hire someone to take pictures of my condo details which I didn’t follow, my listings never ever have guest booking again.  I can see that my pictures are just fine, and I don’t want to overdo things….that would already seem deceptive to the guests.


I have experienced booking with Airbnb in different countries and got frustrated because the actual setup was not the same with what was on the pictures.  That is why i do not want my pictures to appear like paintings which i see in other listings.


Now, Airbnb is suggesting many things, but i cannot get in touch directly to their customer service.  I am very busy, and i feel that they would like me to keep on reading and follow them.  But, of course, I would see to it that my guests are happy with their stay.


Then, i lowered down my price to see if it’s the reason why i got no bookings.  But, nothing changed.


And, my listings won’t show up when browsing using different airbnb guest accounts.


We feel that there is something that is beyond our control.

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Clai2439 

It sounds like you are seeing a message on your listings tab that says you should refresh your photos by connecting with a local photographer. 

You could try to take multiple new photos yourself. Upload them, delete some of the old ones, and see if you can get them to a standard where the app stops complaining.

I agree with you - once you get the photo suggestion removed, it will probably have a positive effect on your listing.

(I'm not sure whether hiring a co-host would boost your listing in the search results, I have not seen someone mention that before)

Hi, Ms. @Shelley159!

Yes.  I have already changed many photos, and have even bought a new camera to try another set of photos.  But, nothing has changed.  Well, this time, i could already see my listings only after i edited the prices.


But, when i asked my children to look for them using their own accounts, they could not find the said listings.


Thank you for your time.