Any community host managers able to help?

Level 1
Manchester, United Kingdom

Any community host managers able to help?

Day 5 now without any response or explanation from Airbnb as to why my account is suspended. 

I had a guest who had multiple bookings with me, left a 5 star review and made more bookings, on their second stay they threw up on my carpet and couch. I asked them to pay for extra cleaning, then they cancelled their following booking and demanded a refund!


I refused the refund, they opened money request with no explanation - all rejected. Then claimed there was an issue with the heating in the property - then why book more stays? Now after that failed she apparently has reported a safety issue for the booking she cancelled! - 7 days after she left! 

absolutely ridiculous behaviour and even worse that Airbnb is allowing it to happen at the expense of superhost experience, 2 years, 4.96 rating. This guest has been on Airbnb for less than a month yet they are allowed to do this. 

can anybody help?

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

It sounds awful and yet another example of where Airbnb does not follow its own policy but suspends hosts unfairly on the day so of false allegations of a guest . @Hasan185 


this has been going on for a few years and Airbnb simply doesn't care unfortunately.


they normally take you off suspension after six days or so.


hopefully you've left a low rating and honest review to warn your fellow hosts ?