Hola!, estoy intentando dar de Alta Payoneer en mi perfil de...
Hola!, estoy intentando dar de Alta Payoneer en mi perfil de Airbnb, para cobros y me pide autenticar mi identidad, por medio...
Has anyone else noticed that the little key icon is no longer available to us? I used to click that and it would message a link to the check in guide. I tried copying and pasting the link from previous messages and my guest said that the link didn’t work.
Has anyone else has trouble with guests knowing how to check in? I feel like every guest is completely unaware until I send them that link.
I am having the same problem. I used to use the key icon all the time and yes, my guests will struggle with check in without those pictures and instructions.
Yes, I wrote to Airbnb to report a bug, but also to ask if they have removed this very useful tool. Luckily, I have the link available in previous messages, and it still works for me. However, I can't be sure if it will work for a guest. I hope Airbnb fixes this, because it's a very valuable little tool. It took me the better part of a day to set it up with all the photos I took (and re-took), edited, and and carefully composed the messaging. I have used it for years with HUNDREDS of guests. It's a mystery why such information would now be inaccessible.
May I suggest @Elliana0 , @David595 , and @Jim-And-Nancy1 , that you set up access to the photos you use in your check in instructions. This can include Google road directions from an airport or landmark. Screen shot the wording etc if you want.
I used the key icon for sending check in instructions, but as a precaution, I’ve also always send the photo images that related to the specific guests needs - staying, “ just in case you do not receive this from Airbnb! .......”
That way I have covered any glitches they may be happening in the system at the time, for it’s happened before.
Generally I work off an iPad, so I have a “Airbnb Check In” folder in photos, that is very easily accessed. I also send it ahead of time if a guest is travelling a long haul flight, with the recommendation that they save the images for easy access, in case they switch off global roaming, or do not have immediate access to an Australian SIM card.
It’s certainly worth thinking about for your back up plan.
I have also noticed the key icon missing, and have had a couple guests message me for check-in details. The AirBNB info I've found says that it's automatically sent to the guest, but then smooth check-in is contingent on them actually looking at it. I used the feature a lot so that I could specifically call their attention to it and never had problems. Hoping for a fix soon!