Beachfront property not showing up in seach

Level 1
Landenberg, PA

Beachfront property not showing up in seach

My listing is marked as beachfront,but when I search on Beach front condos all my neighbors show up, but not mine. Help!

1 Best Answer

@Mike2510 Hmmm....this sounds like a "Category" issue. Airbnb determines your category, not the host. You'll see if you have been assigned a category by Airbnb on your listing page/Property & Rooms Section. If you don't see anything under Categories, you'll have to contact Airbnb to get them to add "Beachfront" to your Listing Category. Here is a screenshot and Help Article:


Your Listing should show "Beachfront" here:






Hope this helps. Let us know how it goes!

View Best Answer in original post

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Bergamo, Italy

@Mike2510 Have you set the precise location of the address?

@Mike2510 Hmmm....this sounds like a "Category" issue. Airbnb determines your category, not the host. You'll see if you have been assigned a category by Airbnb on your listing page/Property & Rooms Section. If you don't see anything under Categories, you'll have to contact Airbnb to get them to add "Beachfront" to your Listing Category. Here is a screenshot and Help Article:


Your Listing should show "Beachfront" here:






Hope this helps. Let us know how it goes!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hi @Mike2510, I just came across your post and wanted to ask if you've had the chance to see Joan and Andrea's suggestions.


Keep us posted!



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