Blocked listing

Level 1
Sofia, Bulgaria

Blocked listing

Hello, I have pbm with my listingcan you call me

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Adrian-Plamenov0 


No-one from the community center can call you about your blocked listing I'm afraid as we aren't customer service so you'll need to call them.  However, if you explain what your problem is in more detail, as fellow hosts we may be able to help you - it has been said that hosts have better luck here than with Customer service but we need as much information as possible to understand the issue you're facing.


Blocked listings can be a result of a number of factors.  Are you aware of a complain made by a guest recently for example?


All the best

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Adrian-Plamenov0,


I'm sorry to read you are dealing through this situation. Could you explain to us how did this happened? Were you able to contact support as Joelle mentioned? 


Let us know how's the situation going. 
