Calendar blocking dates on iOS

Level 1
Phoenix, AZ

Calendar blocking dates on iOS

My calendar is randomly showing blocked dates that are actually reserved. This is happening on only iOS, not windows. Everything is updated, I’ve deleted the app and reinstalled but nothing is working.

The support from Air bnb is horrific right now. I cannot get ahold of anyone. If they do respond they send me links to basic calendar management. Has anyone else had this problem lately??  Since I cannot get any assistance from Air bnb I’m hoping someone has an answer. Thx

2 Replies 2
Level 2
Mackinac Island, MI

I am also having this issue, it just started this past week. Thankfully I can still access reservation details by clicking on the direct link to the reservation within my synced calendar in iCal on mobile. But otherwise I can only see reliable reservation info on desktop. Definitely is a glitch - I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, signing out and signing in again, and the problem is persistent. It also seems random and only affects certain reservations. Hoping it will be fixed in an update.

I did finally get through to someone I could talk to you through Airbnb. I was informed that this was an iOS issue and essentially they could not do anything to resolve it. I did a workaround by going to the Airbnb website via Google, not using the app or  Safari. I will try the iCal link too -thanks for the tip!