Charging a separate price for one night stays.

Level 8
London, United Kingdom

Charging a separate price for one night stays.

I would like to be able to charge a supplement for one night stays to make them worthwhile for hosts - I have mentioned this numerous times to Airbnb at meetings but they have failed to take it on board and their only suggestion has been to make a cleaning fee. 


Is this something others want? At present I give a discount for 2 or more nights to make up for lack of supplement but this means my search price looks higher than it will probably be.


Top Answer
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Good on you Julia, I totally understand you, and my feeling was the same as yours, but the fact is that, Airbnb do not give you an 'easy' option to price for random one night stays. 

Obviously there is double the work in 2 one night stays than there is in 1 two night stay, and the only way that you can reflect this extra work is to recoup it with a cleaning fee.

And it is fair Julia because, as the length of the stay increases the impact on the nightly price becomes less because the cleaning fee stays the is a one off charge, not a nightly charge!


There are many aspects relating to listing your property that pose a challenge and will be misintepreted by guests simply because Airbnb do not give an option to clarify!


Many hosts like me offer some cooking facilities but we don't offer a  full Kitchen.....we need an option to offer a 'kitchenette', but we can't...we either list a kitchen....or we don't! It's not dishonest Julia, we just are not given the option.

Many hosts like me offer a private bathroom with laundry and drying facilities, hair dryer, make-up area, sink, first aid cabinet, a shower and a toilet.......but I don't have a bath-tub. The only listing options I have are, 1 x bath, or .5 x bath. the 1 x bath infers it has a tub.....the .5 x bath infers that it is simply a powder room! Julia, once again we are just not given the option!


Don't think of a cleaning fee as dishonest....or a reflection on your cleanliness standards isn't. It's just a way we can get an accurate  return for the efort we put in.


All the best Julia.



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28 Replies 28
Level 8
London, United Kingdom

Thanks Rob, will see how it goes.

@Julia1 I used to charge a small cleaning fee of $25 & had done so for 2.5 years. At the beginning of the year I decided to trial removing the cleaning fee to see if it impacted my bookings.


I've increased my base rate for the room (week day and weekends as I have alway had different rates for those)  and then added an increasing discount for 3 day, 5 day and 7 day stays (my max stay is 10 days). I've not had any decrease in bookings & I'm still listed pretty high on search rankings. And I've had ancedotal feedback from guests that they appreciate when they put booking dates into my listing that they don't have the surprise of a cleaning fee added to the total of the booking - it has turned them off other listings in my area that are listed at a lower fee but then whack on a $100+ cleaning fee.

Hi @Rachel177 May I ask how you set different prices for weekdays, weekends and then special discounts for 3, 5, 7 day stays? Maybe I'm missing something - or maybe it's because I have smart pricing on?? I don't see the option.

Your question isn't for me, but I had the same issue. Read what someone posted about switching to pro tools from your account. Then you can add whatever discount you want for whatever days.

Level 2
Victoria, Australia

With the fees Airbnb charge, they really could do better in consulting with hosts about what is important and necessary in reality at the ground level. To be able to display a single night price rather than hosts messaging to explain what's been noted in the listing and changing prices affects guests' confidence in booking with us. 


Yes I’d like to charge a fee for one night stays and not have to pretend that the need doesn’t exist. And I’d still charge a cleaning fee. That way I could be transparent about the costs to my business. At present I’m charging about a fifth of the cost of cleaning. 

Level 10
Lloret de Mar, Spain

@Julia1  I read in various topics that hosts are" psychologically " against the cleaning fee and do not understand what is wrong.🤔
You can make this fee minimal, but it is an ideal tool for regulating prices if you rent a house from 1 night...Why aren't you surprised by Amazon or supermarket prices when 1 item isn't proportional to 5 items, it's business and it's normal.

I charge a cleaning fee if 130 . That is what my cleaner charges me. I want the place to be spotless. 

Level 2
Klaipėda, Lithuania

We definitely need an ability to change listing price for 1 night. Cleaning fee is not an option as quest leave more mess around and they do not like this phytologically. 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Marius187 If you put a nightly price you desire (high for one night stays) and then put in a discount for any length of stay from 2 nights upwards you will achieve your aim.

Thank you. Somehow it allows me to provide discounts for at least 1 week or more.


Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Marius187 Ah - yes - Sorry. You need to go to your account and switch on Pro Tools. Then you can add a ruleset to your calendar that allows discounts to be set as I suggested.

Good luck (but tag me in your response if you still need help)

Wow, @Mike-And-Jane0 , thank you. It allows to edit discounts now.

Thank you so much for this info! I finally can control my pricing!