Co-Hosting AirbnB

Level 2
Berlin, Germany

Co-Hosting AirbnB

Hello Community✌️

I want to start the journey as an Airbnb Co-Host. Do you have any recommendations on where to start or connect with hosts? 
Any tips are highly appreciated. 
Best, Kevin

1 Best Answer
Host Advisory Board Alumni
Stuttgart, Germany

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17 Replies 17

Hi Kevin,
That is great you understand that, thanks for clarifying.

Learning to be a Co-Host basically means the same as learning to be a Host - the only difference is the fact that you do not have a property to list yourselves, so you are not taking that risk of paying rent & utilities etc.
But to my understanding a Co-Host should have a good understanding about:
*the airbnb SEO and algorithm,
*the descriptive part,
*organizing the listing information,
*the pricing,
*automated messaging and communication,
*coordinating guests & cleaning & tasks,
*and overall management of the listing.
The best would be if the Co-Host could come with new ideas and a good perspective on different solutions - for the Host that would be perfect.

Currently I do not know any other Host who might offer to do that.
Would you be interested in learning these things before even talking about money?


Hi Karlis, 

I live in Belgium where the Co-Host platform is not (yet?) active. 

I would like to become a co-host for others. I have hosting experience for two years, and for a while I had a super-host status. 


What is the best ways to approach hosts to start co-hosting in my situation? 


Best regards,


Hi @Elina1323,
That is a question that is tough to answer because there lies the key of you getting 'hired'.
I myself have tried finding hosts and helping them through multiple online platforms like fiverr, upwork etc. but there are many people offering such services so the competition is quite big.
Also, looking from a Host's perspective - a Co-Host will always get paid and will never take any risk for that. A Co-Host is an employee. A good Host can never fully give over the tasks to a Co-Host because the Co-Host holds no responsibility for the whole business - if people book, it's good; if people don't - well, too bad. But for the Host that is crucial to have constanct bookings and the calendar full, if the Host is running it like a business. So that means the Host can never completely trust and let go of his/her duties. So the Host will still be seriously involved in the airbnb in one or the other form - at least the pricing strategy part.

So with that said, the idea that actually comes to me now is delivering value beforehand. In airbnb search find listings that may not be doing well, that you can see you can help them improve some aspects and send the Hosts already some real solutions - either a new description, some real working, practical ideas to get more bookings etc. And offer your services through such an approach.
And then see what happens.

Good Luck & Regards,
in my listing does not automatically mean that all my as Host's duties will be