Critique my listing - 3 listings in Eugene, Oregon

Level 2
Springfield, OR

Critique my listing - 3 listings in Eugene, Oregon

Hello All! Thank you for taking time and considering critiquing these listings. I have three listings in Springfield, Oregon. My ideal guests are couples, responsible adults, and families. I would love feedback on my listing's aesthetics and SEO. Let me know what I missed or am doing well!

This linktree contains links to all the listings:



The exterior of the Northbank Loft and Riverwalk Retreat. A home split into two listings.The exterior of the Northbank Loft and Riverwalk Retreat. A home split into two listings.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Sierra Vista, AZ

Broken link…

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Dawn241 ,


Seems like you wanted to give some feedback for @Logan113 !! That is so thoughtful of you😍.


You can view Logan's listing by clicking on her profile picture > then clicking on the view profile option. This will redirect you to her Airbnb profile where you will be able to see her listing!



I hope this helps!




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