Buena noches comunidad, tengo una consulta. - Realicé una re...
Buena noches comunidad, tengo una consulta. - Realicé una reserva en una ciudad de mi país, la cual cobra con en soles y la t...
We’re new to the air bnb process and just listed our residential home, and wondered how long it takes for any interest?! If any. It’s difficult to know what others may think of your air bnb, so any helpful advice would be appreciated.
Thank you 🙂
Your listing looks nice.
But it shows same price if booked for 1 or for 8 guest.
May change pricing: for example base price is for upto 6 guests and add a fee for 2 additional guests.
To attract smaller groups also
We wouldn’t be able to reduce price for less guests, but thank you for your feedback 😁
You're not reducing the fee for less guests, you're adding the price for more guests. Keep your daily price as it is but add, for example, an extra £10 for the 7th and 8th guest. It's a very common price structure, one I used to use when I advertised up to 6 guests, the 5th and 6th guest payed a little more. As I cannot see a cleaning fee this will help as in my experience more people equals more cleaning (although this is not always the case). Guests don't mind paying that little bit extra. Good luck with your new venture. 🙂
It's a lovely listing, @Samantha928, and you've clearly put a lot of thought into the renovation, but I'd say you've effectively priced yourself out of the market, especially as you'll need some reviews to get it off the ground.
I assume you're trying to attract the DFL weekender crowd, and many of those just won't pay the money you're asking for. Your listing shouts luxury, and more akin to what execs want, or those attending The Open.
DFLs also often looking for the more traditional cottage style (with their horribly narrow and creaky stairs) but as you haven't included a photo of the house, it's hard to see what people are getting. If an estate agent doesn't show a photo of a house they're selling, it's often because it's ugly...and that thought stays with us when looking at Airbnbs too. Any reason you haven't included the money shot yourself?
Personally, I'd follow @Emiel1's advice - charge base price for 6 and extra for more. It's a niche listing (luxury doesn't always suit/work for four adults and four kids), so you'll have to squeeze a few bookings in to get the ball rolling with some reviews.
Take a look at local listings as @Mike-And-Jane0 says - there are some very highly rated places in the area (some with sea views) which are coming in significantly lower than what you're asking.
Other than that, you might want to consider taking photos of bedrooms again with bedside tables in-situ (I immediately thought 'where will I put my phone').
Good luck getting going!
@Samantha928 You haven't used "The Space" section to describe your place at all. That is where you are meant to talk about the layout of the house, the outside areas, etc.
Also, you have taken the type of photos that distort the rooms and make them appear much larger than they are. This can result in guests complaining, asking for refunds, or marking you down for accuracy.
Take normal photos, and a couple for each room from different angles. It isn't necessary to try to get an entire room in one photo. Airbnb photos are not the same as real estate photos.
When you developed your listing who did you have in mind as your target market @Samantha928
And what research did you do around what others were charging for similar properties so you could ensure yours was in line price wise with your competitors.
I’m far from any expert, but I have stayed at many airbnb’s. Your pictures are gorgeous, and the first photo of kitchen would definitely have me click on it. The walking distance descriptions would pull me in further. But I’m weirded out by the 1 off-limits bedroom and the lovely description of a balcony and king bed that I can’t access. I’m now wondering, are there other folks wandering around the house? Are you guys coming and going? Are there renovations up there or is the balcony falling down or something? With so many options out there, I’m afraid to say that little bit, along with a lack of more description of the space, privacy, etc, would have me close out and move on. My humble suggestions would be to delete the description of a lovely balcony that you tease me with but then say I can’t access for now, and give more description of the space.