Hi I’m hoping someone can help! I have accidentally deleted ...
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Hi I’m hoping someone can help! I have accidentally deleted the wrong listing. I had a duplicate listing that I went to delet...
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Hello everyone,
I hope you're all doing well!
A while ago I shared a post about guests leaving items behind. I've seen a lot of replies from hosts who've found the weirdest things but also lovely notes left behind by their guests. This made me wonder if you have a guestbook where your guests leave messages? Perhaps you've already had so many guests that you're already on your second guestbook :-)! If you have one, what has been your favourite message?
Pictures of your guestbook are more than welcome!
Here's the link to the 'Items Left Behind' thread that I mentioned above.
thanks for sharing bipasharoy.com
Hi. Still got the Airbnb guest book? If not where can I go to get one? I can only find wedding guest books mostly.
Nice to meet you!
Let me know once you have your first guest leaving a message behind in your guestbook 🙂
I'm a new Host and YES i have a guest book and also a container of colored pencils and markers. On the cover of the book I made some sketches of my own and asked my guests to leave me a message in words and/or hand-drawn pictures. In addition to comments about their local travels and experiences I also get charming sketches and scribbles depicting their best adventures here. What FUN for me and the following guests.
Hi @Lillian27,
Nice to meet you!
That's very creative! Do happen to have any sketches that you'd like to share here? 🙂
I do not have a guestbook but a rub map of the world in the room where all the guest can scratch free their home place. Its fantastic to see, that the map becomes coulered by my guests
Yes, we have a guest book at our listing. I ask guests to write about things they did while visiting our city. Guests have told me they enjoy reading the remarks left by former guests.
We do not have a real guestbook. We leave a hand written note for each guest and often they leave one in return. I collect all of these and leave them in a drawer in the apartment for others to find if they want. I always loved the idea of the Secret Drawer Society from Longfellows Wayfair Inn.
I have Guest Book and I love it 🙂 So many thoughtful and heart touching messages and inspiring artworks! Definitely makes my day brighter 🙂
I`m always happy to meet amazing guest with big hearts and in this world there can never be to many kind words 🙂 Happy Vibes Only 🙂
I wish all great hosts to have many wonderful guests in future 🙂
P.S. Even I have Guest Book most of my wonderful guests keeps leaving me sweet messages and surprises 🙂
Happy & Sunny Regards from Riga/Latvia
We have a guest book and it's one of my favorite parts of hosting. I bought a leather bound journal (to go with our lake house/lodge theme) and I leave it on the kitchen bar along with the welcome letter and some Salt Water Taffy. I ask the guests to please leave a note. We plan to have a new one for each year we host and keep a little library of them on the book shelf.
Through the guest book we have read about experiences of guests ranging from an account of the largest fish they caught during their stay, stories of family birthdays, college graduations, and even accounts of how an eagle landed on the neighbor's dock next door. We have had guests use colored pencils and stickers to really dress up their entries. We also try to write in it occasionally when we visit.
My fiance (and co-host) proposed to me at our lake house and that entry is in the guest book. This weekend we are having our wedding at our "Loon Lodge" and I can't wait to write that entry!
It's a great way to collect the memories of all the guests we have had the pleasure to meet over the years and the entries go well beyond the reviews that the guests leave.
Loon Lodge, Winslow, Maine - https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/20747780
Loon Loft , Winslow, Maine - https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/21551164
This is wonderful @Linette7 and congratulations, I hope you have a fantastic wedding. 🙂
As a guest, I always enjoy having a little read through the guest book and looking at what others have enjoyed doing and where they are from. I like it when the more creative guests share drawings.
Best of luck for the weekend.
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We have kept an analog guest book and our faborite posts are when guests create artwork or leave Polaroid photos behind. Good times.
I did get a guestbook, but since the apartment has a separate entrance, I have relatively little personal interaction with my guests. Thus, I decided to remove the guestbook not to have my guests feel any pressure to leave a message.
Quite a few of my guests lately have been here for business (welders and other craftsmen) rather than tourists, with little time or energy for social interaction.