I have not recieved any reservation in queens , NY in last t...
I have not recieved any reservation in queens , NY in last three month. Can I expect any suggestion from the Host in queens. ...
Just had a 'ping' to my (non-smart) phone. - I must verify my i.d. by 6 December, or be de-listed! Checked lap top, same message on dashboard. - PANIC!
Tried to calm down, & went into 'Account', then 'Personal Info' - Relief! - It told me to photograph my passport, or driver's licence, (or I.D. card, which we don't have in the U.K.) To my amazement, this slightly tech phobic 58 year year old managed to photograph my passport, AND upload the result on to my laptop, AND post it on the Airbnb site in the designated box. Minutes later, my profile is registering that I'm verified, & have provided Government I.D. Phew! - Simple really!
(Thank goodness my passport is still valid, it expires next September. Especially as my driver's licence is an old style one without a photo, and also in my maiden name. 😞 -
(There are many Brits who have NO photo I.D. - it's not compulsory, not everyone has a passport or a driving licence with a photo...)
I've posted this several times in the past but as this thread is specifically about Verified ID - and the difficulties hosts are facing in trying to comply - it's probably worth mentioning again...
So let's take a little look at the rather chequered history of the third-party outfit, to whom Airbnb has already entrusted the verification of millions of IDs (at a reported $2 a pop, on top of gigantic set-up fee) over the past 6 years...
Since early 2013, Airbnb has outsourced offline ID verification to a controversial start-up called Jumio, which later filed for bankruptcy in 2016, following the ousting of founder and CEO Daniel Mattes, amid allegations of financial irregularities. (Prior to starting Jumio, Mattes had also been sued by a former business partner for alleged fraud)
Mattes's replacement, David Stuut, was then recruited by Jumio backer Andreesen Horowitz, one of whose partners sits on the Jumio Board of Directors. (Similarly, Andreesen Horowitz are lead investors in Airbnb, and an AH partner also sits on the Airbnb board)
In response to vehement opposition from other shareholders, a $22.7 million stalking-horse bid by early investor and major shareholder Eduardo Saverin (Facebook co-founder) to buy out the company was blocked by the courts (citing "every red flag possible"), and was sold instead to private equity firm Centana Growth Partners, for just $850,000. (Saverin had resigned from the board just days before Jumio filed for bankruptcy, but remains heavily involved in the rebuilding of Jumio Corp., as its now known)
Saverin and other company executives were later sued by another shareholder, Bloso Investments, who accused them of having "grossly mismanaged" the firm and driving it into bankruptcy, and said they'd been running Jumio without proper financial and accounting controls for years.
And apart from the company that Airbnb continues to trust in processing and storing our most sensitive personal information, having a rather tarnished reputation itself, Jumio's competence in performing satisfactory and reliable ID verification has also been called into serious doubt on many occasions.
The following is a review by an Australian company that signed up for Jumio's identity verification services, but found them sorely lacking
In April of this year, Daniel Mattes was ordered by the Securities and Exchange Commission, to pay $17 million to settle fraud charges relating to his time as CEO of the company. Jumio's CFO also agreed to pay $421000 to settle charges.
Despite all that, Jumio Corp still managed to attract new investment ($55.4 million to date, and continues to rapidly scale in a $20 billion industry, most recently joining forces with FaceTec, to launch Jumio Go, a fully-automated biometric identity verification technology (hence the inclusion of selfies now as proof of identity)
User complaints about Jumio Corp's product, such as false positive results, two different results from the same ID, fraudulent submissions not being picked up, and temperamental technology still abound in 2019 however, as evidenced by a multitude of threads on this forum and others, decrying the deficiencies and difficulties in user experience.
But hey.. it's all about "trust", isn't it?
Here's just a small selection of threads on this forum alone - some dating all the way back from when the CC opened in 2015 - with thousands of comments from distraught and stressed-out hosts who ran afoul of Airbnb's "Verified ID" programme, and its many disastrous failures. It's beyond belief that Airbnb continues to entrust our most sensitive personal information to this shower of shysters.
Never, ever allow yourself to be lulled into a false sense of security by believing that if your guests have been verified by Airbnb, that surely must mean that they're genuine, trustworthy people, or even that they are, who they say they are. It doesn't. At all. The only reliable way to carry out ID checks, is to do them yourself. The threads below are testament to that.
@Lynne57 @Sharon493 - Nb. You might be interested in more of Susan17's thoughts above.....
Well, well, well. Sebastien at Customer Support has kept my file open and, credit where credit's due, has contacted me each day to find out my latest level of success in I.D. Verification. Which is still zero. He is promising to phone me tomorrow to "lead me through the process" so we shall see!
Glad to know you've got continued CS help.
All one may add, 'Where there is a will, there is a way' as the saying goes.
I am simply not prepared to risk my ID in the hands of their third party checker. Plus, it remains the case that in the U.K. there is no legal requirement for photo ID. AirBnB again believing their needs are superior to a government. I have frozen my listing as a temporary measure and we will see if they delete my listing on December 6th as promised. I may miss the guests but I won’t miss AirBnB
December 6th is just the date AirBnB have told me I must verify my ID by or be delisted. Luckily as I’ve been traveling I don’t have any upcoming guests to inconvenience so I’m not doing it. After seven years of hosting and sharing my home with guests without ID verification themselves (and often no photo either) I see myself as more at risk than being risky for guests. Just tired of crazy AirBnB rules randomly implemented l. I’ve frozen my account and will see what happens next
To add insult to injury, I have just received my first 3 star overall rating. 5 star for cleanliness, location, communication and value, but apparently the brand new mattress was too hard for Goldilocks. There goes my Superhost status. I give up.
Hi folks,
I just got blocked out of access to my account with a Pop Up message
"Account access is limited until you complete verification".
It gave me 3 options, a photo off my device, a photo using the ABB App or choice of Passport, Drivers License and photo.
In my wisdom I uploaded with reluctance my Passport, only for it not to accept the pdf file and then when I took a photo of it with my phone they still asked for another form of photo taken with my computer.
I'm at a total loss why we need not only an official Valid ID but also another image taken on the same day.
Personally I find it intrusive and don't understand 'Why?"
I also question the legality of it as our Government Departments, banks and others are only permitted to view our ID and not copy it.
They have been hauled over the coals and are unable to collect such information and retain it within the bounds of the Privacy Act NZ.
Sorry ABB but it looks like you may be in breach of NZ laws here with the collection of our information.
Then there's also the Data Protection Regulations to factor into account.
I may be in New Zealand however I have European Legal rights.
All this Cross Border legislation is a bit much.
@Helen350when you uploaded your ID did you also get asked to provide another photograph of yourself?
Please amend your system so we can still be a part of the ABB Community.
Thanks in advance @Stephanie @Laura_C
@Helen427 I'm shocked, & I feel for you terribly.... I too was given the 3 options of ways to provide ID. I didn't understand the first two: If I have a camera on my laptop, I don't know how to use it. I do not own a smartphone. So for me it was option 3, take crude photo with camera, upload to laptop, then click box on airbnb verify page to transfer image from laptop to airbnb...... To my relief, it worked & refreshing the 'Personal Info' page showed me to be verified almost instantly. I DID NOT NEED TO PROVIDE ANY OTHER PHOTO!
SO, this random verification (which @Susan17 thinks is random) is not even being applied consistantly??!!
And @Helen427 , were you given notice before Airbnb pulled the plug on you? (Brits were told 6 Dec, Germany, Australia 5 Dec.)
I don;t recall ever receiving any formal notification we had to change anything on our Profiles to do with Photo or Government ID.
I can only hope for all ABB users they exercise common sense.
I guess if they are trying to ensure all users have so many forms of ID it's one way of expunging a lot of users who perhaps rarelly use ABB or perhaps have failed to update their accounts for whatever reason, perhaps they have died to.
@Helen427 I can't understand why your profile does not state' verified' - & why you're getting the messages to verify - when your profile states you HAVE provided Gov. ID..... Then again, I've seen other host profiles, where the host IS 'verified', but no mention of Gov. ID.........
Yes, exactly, I have always been listed as having been verified.
I got prompts to verify through my Dashboard yesterday after I sent a message in through the "Enquiry" - Ask a question part of another Hosts listing.
It wasn't a booking.
It's frustrating as I've previously been verified.
I'm at a loss as to why they would want photos on top of Passport or Drivers License ID when there's laws around these types of requests.
I've spoken to ABB Customer Services reps twice in the last 24 hours, one who said they have t do the same in their roles & the other who said they would get a Rep to contact me - I'd mentioned the IT issues discussed in here some of us have been having.
I can only assume @Fraser22 & @Laura_C will help sort it out as it's an IT related issues that will impact all users of ABB, and on profits, which isn't good if they are going to list for shares.