Home gym

Level 1
Denver, CO

Home gym

If I add a home gym to my listing and a guest gets injured due to equipment failure or something else, does Airbnb cover my liability on this.  

Additionally, I have a workshop and am thinking of offering woodshop sessions where the guests could build something during their stay.  Would Airbnb cover my liability for this as well?  I’d have a proper waiver written up in addition. 

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Willits, CA



That is some high energy new years project. 

Gym equipment and woodworking tools could easily - as you are well aware - create serious liability issues, especially with guests whose skills sets you aren't yet acquainted with. Just to protect yourself adequately, please check with local zoning regarding any limits what you are permitted to offer as a business, plus your business insurance people for buying maximum liability coverage and any available riders. For sure, hire a lawyer for watertight and airtight contracts and waivers.  It has been pointed out to me by a lawyer I trust that all the waivers in the world aren't adequate to protect us in a personal injury lawsuit, so please, please do due diligence on that. 

Happy hosting and a wonderful newest year to you!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Brian3461 😊

What a marvelous idea to add this amenity to your property!


Have you already made a decision?

@Kitty-and-Creek0is sharing a great point of view with you.


I also recommend you to check this conversation about 👉 Do you provide gym equipment in your listing? 


Warm regards 🌻,



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