Host payout calculations

Host payout calculations

I’m having some trouble getting Airbnb to respond to a query where they have  applied both a weekly and monthly discount, which is patently incorrect. But getting a direct answer from them seems impossible. Even if I’m wrong, I’d like someone to explain but they just go round in circles, quite literally asking me the same question 5 times. 
it’s starting to feel improper. 
Has anyone dealt with this query before - perhaps you can give me better advice ?


2 Replies 2
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Hi @Berneen0 

I see you posted awhile ago but wanted to reach out and see if you had gotten an answer to your question?

Although this isn't a customer service forum, we may be able to pass this over to the relevant team if you could provide some more details about what happened.



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Hi @Breanna . Thank you for reaching out. I’m frustrated beyond measure so grateful for your note. 
Short version: I received a quote from Airbnb with regard to a longer term stay. They applied both the 15% weekly discount as well as the 45% monthly discount to the calculation which obviously reduces the payout. It was my understanding that only the longer term discount should apply. 
Simple question right?

But they have pushed me between 9 different people now, who either have zero understanding or zero will to even read the question properly. 
All I’ve asked for is a transparent calculation to see where we are not on the same page. My answer? I got told “ the computer does the calculation and it’s correct according to my policy.”

quite literally 9 people have gone around this same tree