How do I get someone to help me take care of my bookings when I am on vacation?

How do I get someone to help me take care of my bookings when I am on vacation?

How do I get someone to help with my bookings when I am on vacation.


Any help and advice greatly appreciated!

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Maybe a community member will read your posting... But you can try social media to find somebody in your region. Or look for other hosts in the neighbourhood of your listing, maybe somebody will help you out. I noticed 4 other hosts are nearby your listing on Russell Island. Most close are  "bleu dolphin cottage" and "Boo's bungalow".[]=/homes&map_toggle=true

best regards, Emiel

Level 3
Nairobi, Kenya

Good question , you need a co- host.

some one close to you, or you have trust. Your co- host should have knowledge about hosting, at least have some experience with the program. Some one who won’t let you down. Quick to respond within reasonable time.