How do I remove a listing hosted by someone else?

How do I remove a listing hosted by someone else?


We have a very small place we have previously reneted out our small hoiliday let via a host on air bnb -  for a few months now we have not been able to contact him, hes not returning emails, calls etc. Our property is still shown but all dates are crossed through. 

PLEASE can anyone suggest a solution, (we are very new to this and want to make sure we are not doing anything wrong) Can I simply advertise OUR property myslef becoming the host, or as its already listed is that not possible?


Thanks for any advice. x

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Claire1864 I think you can just go ahead and list your property yourself. If Airbnb spots it is already listed then you may have to prove ownership but Airbnb does seem quite lax on this. Did you have a contract with the original host?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

HI @Claire1864 👋


Did you end up advertising your property yourself? It would be great to hear how you're getting on. 

Looking forward to hearing from you. 



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Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Rebecca reports are coming in from hosts who have set up listings themselves after having their listings managed by another host or management companies .


Airbnb is suspending their listings as it mistakenly believes they are one of the management companies /hosts who remove poorly performing listings to hide bad results.


Surely Airbnb can tell the difference between 

a) an existing host or management company who deletes poorly performing listings and sets up duplicate ones to hide poor results

b) a new host who is either taking back their listing from their co-hosts or buying a property previously listed by someone else and needs to set up a legitimate new listing