How to change a default language in the listings?

Level 2
Basel, Switzerland

How to change a default language in the listings?

Hi everyone,

I need help changing the default language for my Airbnb listings. Currently, my listings default to the local language based on my location, but I want them to default to English.

I've tried changing the preferred language in Account > Global Preferences and duplicating the listing after changing the preferred language, but these methods didn't work. While I can add a new language, it means I have to maintain and update multiple versions of my listings, which is quite some work.

Has anyone successfully changed their default listing language? Any tips or steps would be greatly appreciated!


1 Reply 1
Level 2
Porto, Portugal

Hello @Cyril505! Thank you for your question, I will try to help you. 

The listing language settings work like this: you can write your description using the languages ​​you know (or prefer).

The guests will see your listing in their preferred language (set as their preferred language in their account) with automatic translation, or in the original language of the listing (if they prefer).