Identifying listing number

Identifying listing number

I want to guide people to my listing plus check it out as a person who is searching so I can double check what the user is seeing. I read there is a number that we are given for the listing to help in the search, where is this located?

Thank you!


4 Replies 4



Your listing ID is the first set of letters/numbers before the ? in the URL, its called a king number:


This the full URL:



You can also create a custom link to share with friends, family and on social media:


Create a Custom Link


Listing Editor

Scroll to the bottom/left side




If you want to view the listing as a guest, use the "View" button on the listing editor, or use a private browsing window and the listing link above. 







Thank you!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Jessica4222 😊

thank you so much for asking this question here in the community!


Did you try out our host's suggestions for solving your question?


Warm regards 🌻,


Please follow the Community Guidelines //Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center

Yes, great help, thank you!
