Listing Critique for a Newbie in the Adirondacks, NY

Level 2
Syracuse, NY

Listing Critique for a Newbie in the Adirondacks, NY

Hi community!!

I am so excited to have listed my cabin on Airbnb and have had two wonderful experiences and two bookings that have caused concern (extra guests, overusing amenities, not cleaning up dishes etc.). I'd love it if I could get some feedback on where to tighten up my listing to try and prevent the breaking of house rules. Looking forward to whatever feedback I receive.

With smiles, Rose

6 Replies 6
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


Congratulations!  So Cute!  Your a new listing and not your listing just maybe work on vetting Guests.  No were do you even give a thought of more than two, but yes when your new and self check in the vultures come out, lol

The only things maybe is I wouldn't mention larger groups yet until you get 2 adults with no problem Haha,

I was thinking a cabin in New York that II can bring my fur baby.  I haven't lived back east for a while but that should be a big plus.

Maybe set up doggie dishes and a doggy bed.  Also just a thought charge a pet fee.  Pet owners expect it dogs shed or pooped where I didn't look and we aren't careless but we aren't paranoid.  Non pet owners also want to feel I am Cheaper.  Everything is perspective.

Thank you, Marie. 💕 I appreciate your critique and feedback. 😁At this particular moment it means so much to me because one of the vultures has landed. I am currently in a nightmare with my current guest. As I am a couple's cabin, I only allow two people as you mention. Well, my current guest has broken every rule. There are currently 8 people sitting around my fire pit that they previously left unattended and required the fire department to come to extinguish. I have sent messages to the guest about guest capacity and have reached out to Airbnb providing numerous pictures of all the people at the cabin. So needless to say, I take all your feedback seriously!! I am working on updating my rules because my fourth guest is one of the vultures you mention. AND, she got the discount as being one of the first three guests to book. Lesson learned. I worked so hard to create a great experience for my guests and this guest has me second guessing whether I should be doing this at all. So my big question is: How do I vet guests? 🙏 💕


I won't guarantee this is best but this is how I deal with rule breakers

ABB is the platform my business uses.  It is my business not ABB business.

I have to manage my business just as if they rented on any platform.

My Guest limit is 2 they exceed my limit.  I don't believe in financial penalties all that really does is say you can break the rules if I catch you 100 dollars

You break my rules I just show up and say reservation cancelled leave now.  No discussions no debates.ABB CS is support for things ABB is involved in they don't know you, the guest or your listing.

Thank you!!! I have already taken your advice: Instant Book is off, I took out the ask permission if you want guests to visit, and added a pet fee. So if I understand correctly, if your guests breaks the 2 person rule, you go there and tell them to leave? The piece of work at my cabin right now would refuse to leave and I am worried when I go there tomorrow for check out time, they aren't going to leave. I have put a call in with my local police because my reasoning is if there are more than two people, the others are trespassing. The police don't see it that way because they basically said it's my problem. So, no sleep for me tonight; and tomorrow I'm going there not sure what to expect. But, I totally get that I need to realize I don't work for ABB...this is my business. I am feeling incredibly heartbroken at the moment because I'm not sure I am cut out for this. I am appreciating your kindness to take the time to share with me. 😁💕🙏


For me my first vet is communication  I don't need a book but can they carry out a simple conversation How are you?  Why interested?  Guests aren't  doing you a favor neither vare you doing  then a favor..Something mutually beneficial.

Then I have a good idea of my market.  I will ask mure questions especially unusual for my market.

My max is also two.  I do not accept an unnamed guest.because only 2 been easy for me everyone gas a profile and added to ege reservation.  I learned the hard way each guest must have a legal ID Bhat matches profile name.  Yes some people argue I have had two this weekend.  Your asking for a  name not their bank account. They know my name and ABB has reviewed my ID What is the secret?

Can we communicate  and be respectful to each other because the preliminary designs the future experience

More to think about! My current vulture was new to ABB at the time of her booking. I had no idea about vetting and was so excited to get bookings. In total I have 14 bookings and they came in quick. I am a three-season cabin so I close at the end of October until April and only listed in August. Thankfully most of my other bookings have reviews and 5-star ratings, so feeling thankful for that. Do you think it is too late to ask for the second guest name now? Very few have given the 2nd name. In fact, the bookings where I have both names are hosts!! Lol. And, you are so right about communication! This guest didn't respond to anything I sent except when I asked if she'd like me to leave out dog bowls, treats, blanket for the couch, etc. She said she didn't need anything and then instead of a bringing a dog guest, she brought 7 other people, Lol. Your advice has been invaluable. I know there are going to be ups and downs but this situation really took the wind out of my sails. Hopefully the changes I've made to the listing will help. Thank you!!! Thank you!! Thank you! 🙏😁💕