Listing Not Showing on Map Search

Listing Not Showing on Map Search

We are new to AIRBNB and our listing is in a high volume area for christmas season, yet our listing did not show up as we got closer and closer to Christmas, I complained and was told "it's the algorithm' and then, magically, as the number of listings declined (our area is usually sold out for Christmas) our listing magically appeared and we booked. Now, bc christmas is over (or at least I believe,) our listing DOES NOT appear in a map search. We are in a highly desirable area walking distance from a major attraction and we DO NOT appear on the map. Once again, AIRBNB is telling me "its the algorithm" so is that it? AIRBNB can hide your listing until they feel like showing it again? PLEASE understand, this is a MAP search of the area that is walking distance from a major attraction - I am not asking for our specific address to be shown, just that we are within a certain radius of the attraction, what gives?


3 Replies 3
Level 10
Greenville, SC

I had the same problem, and was told that if a property is heavily booked, it won’t show up on the map sometimes even future dates are available, in order to make room on the map and “give everyone a chance”.


Seems opposite of the way it should be - I would think more popular listings would be more heavily promoted. 🤷🏻‍♀️

That is a crazy answer and not acceptable. All listings that are available should show on the map every time.

Level 2
Kalispell, MT

Same with me today.  I also just got a message that I just moved up to a Level 1 Ranking.  Perhaps the algorithms consider rankings so the more money your listing profits Airbnb the higher your ranking will be.  

Take for example a host that may post their property and book a guest outside of airbnb.  For them to keep showing up on the map search  would not be fair to the Airbnb community.  


It kind of sucks be left out of map searches but there are fair arguments for the airbnb corporation and their profit objective.  


One way to circumvent is to create a custom listing link and send it out through all your social media.  start advertising your own listing.  I havn't done that but it could help grow the exposure quicker and get bookings sooner.  Which will start ranking you up higher to get included in more search results. 


Peace to you all. 
