Listing Price Incorrect?

Level 2
Minneapolis, MN

Listing Price Incorrect?

I have selected $58 as my Base Price. Smart Pricing is OFF. Why does the site price read $46/night? 

Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Because you offer 20% discount for first 3 bookings (Promotion)

View Top Answer in original post

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Because you offer 20% discount for first 3 bookings (Promotion)

Level 2
Minneapolis, MN

Thank you.  

I offer no discounts and they have listed 171, 174 183 and now 171 again for a 190 per night rental if anyone can help please do

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



1. You offer the non-refundable option to guests (10% discount)


2. You have set 176,- for weekdays and 195,- for weekends





I know its wrong....I am more concerned about the money and have been trying to get this fixed since February any suggestions?  This is happening to  a woman in Normandy who reached out to me but left the site in March.

here's the listing today at 2:30undefined