Listing my accomodation

Listing my accomodation

I am a new host and have published my accommodation. It says in my profile that my listing is live (green light), but when I log out and search airbnb, the accommodation is not showing.


Please help.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


It takes upto 24 hours before your listing is in the search system.

At this moment i see it is still in progress, just have patience...

signal-2022-08-07-22-32-05-097.pngThank you for replying to let me know what is actually going on.    


Point of note: At this moment you can see more than I.    


The system (which y'all created) is currently telling me that my accommodation is live, when it is not (see watched screenshot).     


I only need patience to suffer bad design.    

Just set the system to tell new hosts that it will take 24 hours to go live. 

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



IF you would have:

- consulted the help file:




- searched this community for answers


THEN you would have learned why the listing is not yet in the search system


Being a new host and now already complaining about "bad design" is not a good start.