Listing not showing in search results

Level 6
Boulder, CO

Listing not showing in search results

I'm a superhost with a old listing which was Unlisted for many months. Yesterday I updated the listing, updating the status to "Listed" and opened up dates on the listing calendar.  It's been more than 24 hrs, I run a search as an anonymous user, zoom in on the map, and my listing is totally missing from the search results.


I contacted Airbnb superhost support yesterday, they have been unable to resolve the issue.  They suggested I enable "location sharing" for the listing, however the issue persists.  That was 6 hrs ago, with no reply since.


I've already lost 1 day where I almost certainly would have gotten a booking, it's now day 2 of the same.

What other options do I have for assistance?  Thanks much.

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Jesse192, 👋


I just wondered if this is the listing you're talking about?

View on AirbnbTownhouse in Boulder · ★4.71 · 1 bedroom · 1 bed · 1 private bathroom


From taking a quick look at this listing, I can see all the calendar dates are blocked. I wonder if @Joan2709 or @Mike-And-Jane0 can spot anything else or offer some support? 😊



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