@Talour-and-Adam0 Cute cabin. Here are a few simple things you can do to spruce up the images. I could see if the photographer can add your name to the tv's and monitor screens. Or put different pictures of the area. Not necessary but it adds something to the picture. I would also like to see a sunset picture while enjoying "something" around the fire pit. I would like to see someplace I can go and relax at the end of the day that makes your property unique.
I would remove the name of the cabin from the title and replace it with something about the area, "5 minutes from hiking travels". That is a your hook to get people to stop and look. The name of your cabin is not going to get them to stop and look.
I would also describe each room a little more. I think you are on the right track with your description but your should add a little more. Like the type of sheets and pillows, some stuff like that.
I would also move the wifi bullet to the bottom. While that is a great feature it should not be the one you lead off with. Lead off with two that bring people to area. Enjoying the hot tub under the stars.
You have a cute cabin that looks relaxing and cozy.
I hope this helps and good luck.