Looking to purchase an established airbnb

Level 2
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Looking to purchase an established airbnb

HI all - I am looking to purchase an established airbnb (if possible) In Tennessee. If i cannot find one i am will just start from the beginning. With that said, if somewhere is moving on to a new venture elsewhere and is in the market to sell, please let me know. Chris

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Airbnb listings are not transferable. You can't buy an 'airbnb'. You can buy a home that has been used for STR and set on your own listing to promote it.  @Chris16026 

Level 2
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Thanks for the info @Helen3 that would be the aim.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Chris16026  If by "established" you mean that it will have a history of reviews, what Helen was saying is that you have to "start over" because the ratings and reviews and any future confirmed reservations are not transferrable.


You have to start a new listing with no reviews and no bookings regardless of whether you buy a house that is currently being used for Airbnb, or just any house. The only advantage in buying a place already being used for that purpose is that it might come furnished with all you would need.


If the seller tells you they can just transfer everything over, they would be wrong.

Level 2
Fort Lauderdale, FL

@Sarah977 All i am looking for is a building and a location (furniture would be a plus, but not necessary) . I will start from the beginning just like everyone else has. Thank you for your input, much appreciated.