My Listing


My Listing

I published my room for rent today. However, I cannot find my listing to make further edits. Can someone please help me?


1 Best Answer

Hello @Rebecca. I did not have any luck. I decided to start over. Everything looks good. So far. (;-). Thank you for checking up on me. 

View Best Answer in original post

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Sierra Vista, AZ

Click on your profile to see your listing 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi there @Ramona227 👋


Have you had any luck finding your listing in your host profile as @Dawn241 suggested? 



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Hello @Rebecca. I did not have any luck. I decided to start over. Everything looks good. So far. (;-). Thank you for checking up on me.