My apartment is not easy to find

My apartment is not easy to find

My apartment appeared on the first page every time I searched as a guest. Now it is looking very difficult.

2 Replies 2
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Hi @Marika134!

I see you posted a couple days ago and it looks like you might be seeking some feedback from other hosts about how you can get your listing to be more visible in the search. 

You might find some of the information about how search results work here >>

I'll also ask some of the Community's experienced hosts to stop by and offer any advice they might have. @Bettye6@Laura5961  @Laurelle3 



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Hi Marika134,

My first thought is is you cleared your browsing history from your computer (a quick Google asking how will show you the steps). Also when you look at your own listing always go 'incognito mode' in your search. 

AirBnB has so many algorithms on search that if you keep going back to the same area/town, etc. the AI with in AirBnB thinks you are still looking and will take you to 'see' other properties.

Follow @Breanna  advice and read on how searching work with the AirBnB platform.

I see you have 2 listings and 1000 places with in the search. 

The first listing has no pictures of what the outside of the unit looks like nor the surrounding areas which helps with search results.  

Also have you looked at what the results the pop up ahead of yours. When I randomly looked up the the area Super Hosts are displayed first. You have been hosting for 2 years. Not to be harsh but I would work on the why your are not a Super Host as many, like myself when traveling look for Super Hosts as it gives me an automatic level of confidence that the place will be in fine condition with respects to cleanliness, response, etc. I would suggest and researching on what it takes to be a Super Host and see to it to work on those critiques with in your listings. 

Good luck. A little homework goes a long way.