Naming rooms

Level 1
Montreuil, France

Naming rooms

Hey everyone, I am trying to change the room names in my listing, and cannot find a way to do it. Any tips? Thanks a bunch in advance!


Top Answer
Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Ben6326 


With the new Photo Tour you cannot change the name of the rooms nor can you change the order in which Airbnb have set them. You can however check if they have created a room that suits your listing however by going onto the photo tour and clicking on the PLUS sign top right hand corner.




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10 Replies 10
Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Ben6326 


With the new Photo Tour you cannot change the name of the rooms nor can you change the order in which Airbnb have set them. You can however check if they have created a room that suits your listing however by going onto the photo tour and clicking on the PLUS sign top right hand corner.




@Ben6326 You can definitely change the photo order from the little all photos tab.  See attached pic.1.JPG

Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Nelli79 and @Ben6326 


I may not have been clear in what I said in my previous message to Ben so to clear up any confusion for hosts reading our exchanges - yes you can change the order of the photos within the rooms but you cannot change the sequence in which they appear ie; the photo tour always starts with the Living room then the kitchen, dinning room etc as seen in your screen shot.

I believe we are still in control how we want to show the property photos, if I am understanding this correctly.  Mine start with my pool.1.JPG

Top Contributor
Cannes, France



You have many listings and some are with the new photo tour and some are still with the old version.  The one with the screen shot just above with the pool does not appear for me with the new Photo tour but even with the Photo tour the first five photos are chosen by the host so those with great exteriors show pictures of the exterior in those first five or even the #1 photo since with the photo tour the exterior photos come after all the inside rooms.

Merci @Joelle43 . C'est bien dommage!


Hi do you know if there is a plan to change this?  The available rooms don't suit all my needs, nor do I want my living room to be the first room highlighted.   Thanks!

Level 2
Saratoga, WY

I agree with others that there does not appear to be a way to change the names of the rooms.  In our case we offer a single room, similar to a studio apartment, that is shown in the Photo Tour as a "Livingroom" and "Bedroom".  This seems to be confusing potential guests.  As the host control over editing the Photo Tour rooms is limited, our workaround has been to add clarification in the "Listing Description", "Your Property" sections as well as the captions to the photos in the Photo Tour.


The only way to have the photos appear in the order you want (not using the photo tour) is a workaround to delete the photo tour and go back to a grid with photos that you can move in whatever order you want:


Delete Photo Tour

The photo tour only works if there are photos in every room:





  1. Move all your photos to the Additional Photos room except for bedrooms and bathrooms. You need your photos in those rooms to populate the number of bedrooms/beds and bathrooms in the subtitle and the Where You'll Sleep section.


  1. Delete all the empty rooms except for one (leave one room with no photos)


  1. When you click "All Photos" they will appear in a grid. Click and drag your photos in the order you want them to appear in the grid.


  1. You will still see the words "Photo Tour" on the left side of the Listing Editor, but the photos are no longer arranged in a "Tour" in guest view. Photos added will appear at the bottom of the photo grid. You can move them around after that as needed and place them where you want. 




Change Order of Photos in Rooms

You can also change the order of the photos in any room by clicking and dragging it. Sometimes you have several photos of the bedroom, but you want a particular photo (your best photo) to appear in the "Where You'll Sleep" Section. Just move your best photo to the number 1 spot in the

bedroom room.


- Click All Photos

- Then click Manage Photos top right

- Click the Room you want to change the order of photos

- Drag and drop the photos in that room the way you want



Add Captions/Descriptions to Photos

Be sure to add captions to ALL your photos. Otherwise, guests have trouble understanding what they are seeing. Highlight amenities in the room guests can enjoy in the captions.


Airbnb Photo "Tasks"

Airbnb has started adding "Tasks" to try and get you to add photos to your empty room and use the photo tour again. Just ignore that. If you want to add photos in the future, they may force you to use the photo tour again. Simply repeat the steps to delete the tour.





Sorry, the edit feature is not working for me, so it changed all my numbers to (1) 🙂