Need urgent help error code 404

Level 1
Tokyo, Japan

Need urgent help error code 404

Hi guys, i am located in Japan and i started hosting about 2 months ago and everything was going great until yesterday i was trying to incorporate a channel manager to my airbnb and account.   

they successfully channeled my account, but they somehow messed up my Airbnb calendar.

i could not edit my calendar at all, it is showing a availability mismatch on the calendar.

this morning,  my channel manager side disconnect everything from my airbnb account, 

and also i disconnected the channel manager from my account/ privacy and sharing.

and my calendar now can be editable. 

HOWEVER!!  my potential customers now can not find some of my listings anymore, i have a total of 15 listings,

but customers now can only find 5 of my listings, they can not find my other listings,   they are showing a error code 404....


what could be the reason??


please help~~~

thank you!

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Kai1160, since you posted here a while ago, I wanted to check in and see if this issue has been resolved for you. I noticed you have multiple listings in your profile.


Please keep us updated.



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