Newbie Host Feedback & Advice Needed

Level 2
Colorado Springs, CO

Newbie Host Feedback & Advice Needed

Hi there! We are fairly new hosts. We listed back in July and have been booked up until October. Any advice or feedback on how we can improve our listing and get more guests?Listing can be seen @

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Yamira1 welcome to the Airbnb Host forum and @Paula has asked to  assist with tips for your property. It looks tastefully designed was it all your input or assistance given. 

I am wondering do you live close by if you did you could have some living plants rather than the imitation plants but I do like the green wall with plants.


Just wondering if there is a wardrobe or hanging space for the bedroom.


As @James3741 has said the reviews have been positive great if someone is looking to book. 

When looking through the photos maybe a closer pictures of the mountains could enhance your property.


I am a plant lover and try to make sure our garden is looking its best for our guests on arrival. when looking at the photo of the exterior the yard/garden looks as if it needs some life/ plants or scrubs planted to soften the surroundings like next door or across the road with some trees..

You can see what I mean at our Beach cottage at our "Hidden Gem" on Duncan Street.


I am sure there will be many more bookings coming your way.

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Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hi @Yamira1, Welcome to our Community. I wish you all the best in your hosting journey, and I truly believe our forum will be a great resource for you.


I'm reaching out to some of our most experienced Hosts to see if they'd like to offer feedback on your listing: @Laura5961 @Gwen386 @Bettye6 @Laurelle3 and @Bea2137 


I am also sharing >this thread with various tips that might be useful.




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Level 2
Colorado Springs, CO

Thank you!

Level 5
Mamaroneck, NY

Hi Yamira,


Lovely home! I think the listing looks great! Minor thing would be to add captions to photos so guests know what they’re looking at.


Also I think you’re photo #2 would be better for the cover photo. The green in that photo draws me in more. Also your picture of the sunset mountain is quite attractive, would consider moving it up to your top 5 photos.


Best of luck!


Here’s my listing for reference:

Beautiful home!! I also read the reviews and customers are satisfied. 

Thank you @James3741 !

Thanks for the feedback @Laura5961! I'll look into these suggestions and incorporate them into my listing!

Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Yamira1 welcome to the Airbnb Host forum and @Paula has asked to  assist with tips for your property. It looks tastefully designed was it all your input or assistance given. 

I am wondering do you live close by if you did you could have some living plants rather than the imitation plants but I do like the green wall with plants.


Just wondering if there is a wardrobe or hanging space for the bedroom.


As @James3741 has said the reviews have been positive great if someone is looking to book. 

When looking through the photos maybe a closer pictures of the mountains could enhance your property.


I am a plant lover and try to make sure our garden is looking its best for our guests on arrival. when looking at the photo of the exterior the yard/garden looks as if it needs some life/ plants or scrubs planted to soften the surroundings like next door or across the road with some trees..

You can see what I mean at our Beach cottage at our "Hidden Gem" on Duncan Street.


I am sure there will be many more bookings coming your way.

Hi @Laurelle3 and thank you for the feedback. Yes the Zen Japanese theme was me and my husband's doing : ) We do have a closet in the bedroom. Do you have any recommendations on low maintenance plants?  

@Yamira1 as @Bettye6 mentioned succulents and they should do well. But I would go to your local nursery for advice from them as they know what plants tree will survive in your climate conditions.

Level 10
McHenry, IL

Hi Yamira!.

 @Paula asked me to look at your listing as I also read the replies you received this far as to not be too repetitive. 

My first thought would be the front of your house as the first picture with the pictures of the mountains to be the second. The feed back I have received my guest love that I have my front of my place as the first picture as when you are a tired traveler it's a quick find to pick your place and so easy for them as it's the first thing they see when they click on your listing.

I agree to have living plants but make sure they are plants that don't require maintenance as your long term guest should not be required to water more than once a month or if you do have a long term guest remove the more high maintenance plants to your home to care for and replace when the guest check out. A little tedious but guest love greenery.

You might want to perform the wifi test on the App and have it listed as that has drawn guest in too.

Your place is beautiful. Follow all these great suggestions and you will do fine.

The best of luck and cheers to many guests.

Hi @Bettye6 and thank you for the feedback. Do you have any recommendations on any low maintenance plants? I dont have much of a green thumb, lol. 

Hi @Yamira1 ,

For sure succulents as they are all drought tolerant and with todays technology in horticulture there is a plethora of stunning choices from large to small.  

I also have a snake plants, commonly known here as mother-in-law tongue, cactuses (yes the due grow indoors) spider plant, peace lily and many more.

We have a local store that specializes in in door greenery. I went, asked bought and supported a local business all in one!

I do not have a green thumb as well and some casualties have occurred but from OVER WATERING 🙂 . I jokingly call the ones I have are the survival of the fittest!

Perfect! Thank you so much!

Level 6
Quito, Ecuador

HI @Yamira1  and welcome, besides what the other hosts said, I would recommend adding disabilities features in your listing, like showing the width of the hallways or the doors