6 years of owning/hosting Airbnbs, and I have finally found an "unsolveable" issue on the Airbnb platform that is absolutely blowing my mind. Looking for advice if anyone has experienced something similar:
We bought a property with 9 units on it. The guy who owned the property several years back (two owners ago), was foreclosed on and moved away, never to be heard from again. As it turns out, his old lisitngs are still active on Airbnb.
The property is now closed as we're remodeling it, and about once a week we have someone showing up trying to check in who booked the old listing. Every time, we have them call Airbnb and explain the situation, Airbnb gives them their money back, and they go book elsewhere.
We've contacted Airbnb directly on several occasions explaning the situation - that we have absolutely no way of contacting this person asking him to kindly close his account (which was Airbnb's suggestion).
Airbnb says they have no power to shut down listings or accounts, and that all they can do is send the host a message asking them to remove their listings. Shaking with anger thinking of the numerous times my listings have been shut down in the past for weeks at a time for ridiculously stupid reasons, I explain to them that if they do not take action, guests are going to keep showing up to my property expecting to stay, and we're going to have to keep turning them away.
Airbnb simply does. not. care.