Requesting to change date 3days before the reservation

Level 1
Budapest, Hungary

Requesting to change date 3days before the reservation

What should I do if my guest requesting to change date 3days before the reservation date? I am new host, and I have a cancellation policy strict. 

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Eva3471 it depends how generous I am feeling. If I am being miserable (aka businesslike) I would say no and suggest they cancel the reservation ASAP and I will refund them if the dates get rebooked. 

Of course if it is only a change of a day or two it's a very different answer to a movement of a month.  Equally if they only booked yesterday its different to someone booking months ago and stopping others booking those dates.

Hope this helps

Hi @Eva3471 

I agree with @Mike-And-Jane0 . Another caution about altering dates on a reservation to future dates. There is a known loophole scam If a guest knows they won't get a refund due to your cancellation policy. They will ask to alter dates into the future that would allow a full refund. Then after the Host accepts the alteration, they simply cancel the reservation within 48hrs and get a full refund. 


Guests know your cancellation policy when booking. If they are concerned they might need to cancel and won't get a refund, they should purchase travel insurance when booking (Airbnb offers it on the booking page). This is especially true for large properties where the booking amount is substantial:

Travel Insurance.png


@Eva3471 as their Host, you do have some discretion when it comes to handling requests for date changes, especially when they are made close to the reservation date. Assess the potential impact of the date change on your booking calendar. If you think you can accommodate the new dates without significant inconvenience or loss of income, you might consider accepting the change. But as for me, if that's 3 days prior to their reservation dates, I'll be declining the alteration request. Have a conversation with your guest to understand their reasons for the change and to explain your position. As a host, it's important to balance your business needs with guest satisfaction. Hope this helps!