@Adrian3919. As Airbnb has moved to a more transparent pricing (at least here in OZ) there is no longer a benefit to charging a modest room rate then a large cleaning fee ie I notice one of your listings for a 2 bed has a cleaning fee that is the equivalent of a nights stay.
I have both no cleaning fee and a cleaning fee listings. I do the no cleaning fee for a simple studio because its at a price point that competes with the local motel, although I charge more as it has an exclusive outdoor area, allows pets and I do a better clean.
I charge a cleaning fee for houses because it usually comes with more bedrooms and a yard, is booked for more days on average so the cleaning fee spreads out better.
The studio is far busier, but that is based more on current cost of living issues (its cheaper) and wider choice in the higher price points.
And re your cleaners I always try and check after they've been through as invariably they can miss things. I also do the restock. But do what works for you.
I am interested in why you are relisting one at the end of Nov and that it has Airbnb's blessing?. Perhaps you can do a separate posting of this in Host Circle when you have time, to help us hosts.