
Level 2
Columbus, OH


Hi there,


How do you treat bad experiences with guests? Like for example if you had a bad experience and you want to leave a bad review, but at the same time you don’t want to receive a bad review knowing that you were a great host and knowing that it is probably what will happen in revenge. 

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Wenyii0 

Some great responses to a similar question can be seen in this thread by @Guy991 and @Marie8425 


Afraid to leave a bad review - Airbnb Community (

Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


If leaving a positive or negative review for a guest, for me, my professional attitude is I don't consider me, the host, since the review is about the guest.  Yes, sometimes I also receive a negative review.  As a good business, I treat the guests review as something to be reviewed.  Just because the guest was inappropriate, that doesn't mean I should disregard their criticism.  

Sometimes yes the actual criticism is not honest but I look at what I did to help create that anger in a customer.  Gives me insight sometimes that what I knew was not my normal market and accepted because this or that was said by the guest.  Next time I hear the same story I remember that I have to look closer.

Maybe my rule is stated clearly but rules are broken because the guest thought there wouldn't be a confrontation.  What can I do to fix that error so it doesn't happen again.

Did I handle the problem correctly?  Is the guest angry just because caught or because I let my personal injury direct my actions?



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Wenyii0 😊,
Welcome to the community, and thank you for asking this question here!

Have you found a solution?
Our Hosts shared great advice with you. Did you get a chance to review it?


I look forward to reading your ideas on that topic. It is very interesting!

Warm regards 🌻


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Hi Elisa,


Yes. Those tips were very helpful.


thank you for checking 

Hi @Wenyii0 😊

thank you for letting me know!


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Warm regards🌻,


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