Specials and Discounts

Specials and Discounts

I am fairly new to hosting and experimenting with ways to fill in weekday gaps between weekend stays. I usually only have about a 4-night gap during the weekday that I would like to try and make more appealing to guests looking for last minute getaways. 


I currently have a 3 night discount of 10% set up through listing details-pricing-discounts for other stays-3 nights.


I have also created a rule set for these dates during the weekday giving guests 10% just for booking a stay during these dates.


The logic behind this is so that guests have the potential to receive a total 20% discount if they book at least 3 nights during these specific weekday dates.


Will Airbnb automatically bundle the two discounts or will it pick one of the two?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Settings in  a rule set will overrule settings elsewhere.

More details about how accounts are combined:



With complex settings t is recommended to simulate bookings on your own listing to check if (pricing-)results are as expected.

You can als use the price calculator, located in the calender, but is less accurate.